Issue with Connecting to Roon Server/Core (ref#CINAUD)


I certainly did - and do! Very valuable, yes. Thanks for spotting. Corrected :slight_smile: .

So I can imagine, Yes. That cold sweat that something has gone wring, which may take huge resources to fix.

That should not be. Are those Albums local (files in your watched folder)? Or streaming from Qobuz? If the latter, what happens if you get Roon as close to working as you can; then log out and back in to Qobuz?

May I suggest keeping on trying to find answers here… someone will know; there is much expertise and experience here. You could also specifically open a support ticket

Two possibly relevant things come to mind:

  • for Playlists, I learnt the hard way that user-generated Playlists have to have the path to the files (which might have changed during your re-install etc) correctly specified
  • for the server, a Reserved IP address works better.

Thanks, You too - and don’t give up on the forums :slight_smile: