Issue with NordVPN causing Roon server connectivity problem and TIDAL refresh loop (ref#DX89XD)

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What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· Something else

Describe the issue

I have nord vpn installed on my computer which hosts my roon server. If I pause nordvpn it allows for roon to work. As soon as it is reengaged however it no longer works. I have set up split tunneling for Roon.exe RoonServer.exe and RAATserver.exe but this still does not resolve the issue. Another odd thing is if I try to connect to say tidal it will go through the process but seem to get stuck in a refresh loop that never ends.

Describe your network setup

Att Fiber
Arris bgw210
Unifi Cloud Key Gen 2 Pplus
Unifi Security Gateway 3p
Unifi Switch 48

Hello @Alex_Styles ,

Welcome to the forum!

Can you clarify what exactly stops working? What error messages do you get? Is the issue the same if you enable the VPN and restart Roon (with the split tunneling enabled still)?

Hi Noris,

The following issues occur

  • Roon metadata improver can not connect to the internet (perpetual spinning wheel)
  • Roon is unable to check for updates regarding roon server and roon remote
  • Roon is unable to successfully achieve signed in status with Tidal.

I have attached a video demonstrating the issue.

Youtube Example of Issue

Hi Noris, I posted a description and video. Can you please review. :point_up_2:

Hey @Alex_Styles,

Thanks for the additional information and follow-up. If you have successfully added Roon to the allowlist and it is still routed through the VPN, it may be best to contact NordVPN customer support and confirm the issue is not happening on Nords end.

You may find this thread helpful as well: