Issues with Rockna Wavedream after recent update: Search, discography, album identification, Qobuz favorites missing (ref#NGUT1O)

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After the last update on my Rockna Wavedream it stopped working for me:
1. search
2. no discography of artists 3. I can’t identify the album 4. I don’t see my favorites in qobuz
Can you help me?

Please see:

Another user reported that there is a fixed firmware available from Rockna, so maybe check and run a firmware update on your server may fix your issue.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m having issues accessing Roon services or Tidal / Qobuz / KKBOX after the latest update (build 1382) [See Staff Post - Manual Fix Avaliable]

Hi @Volodymyr_Khilchenko,

I’ve merged your thread into the larger tracking thread on your issue - which also contains a manual fix for your issue. If you’re not able to get things up and running after going through the steps on the tracking thread, please let me know (you can tag me directly at @benjamin.)
