Can we get a “Scroll” vaccine? I would not hesitate.
@dylan @support Could you please let us know where you are here or if this is even something you are genuinely content to sort? If you have no interest whatsoever, at least be transparent and we can all go about our lives.
The lack of any feedback here is infuriating for us paying customers!
Edit @danny Would you please be so kind and ping someone from your team capable of giving us some feedback here? It’s ridiculous! Cheers.
@support @danny Given our level of frustration we should at least get a status update. It’s May! You introduced this bug in February. It’s kind of ridiculous! At least provide some transparency otherwise we feel neglected on top of being frustrated.
What about a smidge of love for us, paying customers?
All we want is at the very least some feedback and not be completely and utterly ignored.
You can’t just pick and chose where you assist. Basic customer care.
You got it awhile ago… here…
And in the title “[Ticket In]”
As Dylan noted, as soon as they have more specifics they will announce it. Since they have not said anything, I would assume, they are still working on it. When the solution is ready to go, they will let the thread know.
I’m sorry but “you got it a while ago” does not cut it nor is it an excuse to completely ignore us.
An update saying “guys, sorry for the continued delay but we’re still working on this” would have been a better approach.
You would not accept your response either if the tables were turned.
Hey Raz I am all for flagging seriously inappropriate content and foul and abusive language as I don’t see a place for it on these forums. But we are all adults on this forum and your response to me just showed frustration with the lack of feedback.
I also do not condone abuse or inappropriate comments anywhere. My comment which has now been removed by a member of staff was merely the result of a complete lack of feedback from the support team.
If I would show this complete disregard to update my clients in my line of work, I would lose significant accounts and income.
I know my post was “challenging” and you describing it as such was excellent Even though the truth can be challenging to hear… Regardless of how challenging the truth is, I now understand the complaints of others on here when saying freedom of speech is not really all that free
We don’t have anything new to share since the last update, we’ve reproduced the issue in-house and it’s in the development pipeline now.
However, it’s important to note that everything in the development pipeline goes through a prioritization process. We have to weigh it against fixing other bugs, developer bandwidth, building new features (), company goals & roadmap, etc.
That’s why “pestering” our support team isn’t helpful. We make new releases consistently, but we can’t release as fast as you can pester us. That’s why your post was removed – making inflammatory comments to the small team of humans that are only here to help you is against our guidelines.
I agree that we need to be better at providing more frequent updates even when there aren’t any to share. We typically prioritize responding to new support requests over providing updates on active ones, especially with a lean team and an overwhelming response to 1.8. That’s no excuse of course, but it’s why you haven’t heard from us here recently.
Just keep in mind that the support team doesn’t write the code or decide what gets fixed or what new features are released. But every day we’re working closely with the teams that do, and advocating for you is our job. So be nice.
Kevin I am sure most of us really appreciate the work support does, and many of us on these forums also work in support as well, so we are at the coal face as you are, so I think we tend to be a bit more sympathetic.
Sometimes we just want some communication as you have flagged up in your response and as one of the posters on this thread I can understand Raz’s frustration and I do not think his post showed any more than that.
But thanks again for responding
“We don’t have anything new to share since the last update, we’ve reproduced the issue in-house and it’s in the development pipeline now.”
All we wanted to hear. Now was it that hard?
I appreciate your comments and taking your time to furnish us with an update. Noted.
Moving forward I will reflect on my choice of words to better suit the guidelines on here.
Cheerio and let’s enjoy the weekend.
Thanks again kind Sir and glad you saw my post for what it really was.
@kevin Thanks! However, I remember when 1.8 was launched, there were quite a few bugs reported and UI issues. All sort of small. Just a few that simply made it real hard to use Roon. The one where the zone would vanish and the scroll issue would fall in this category. In the first few releases after 1.8 the scroll issue hasn’t even been recognized as an issue by the dev team. That’s a bit absurd considering that this is not a cosmetic issue like so many other issues that were fixed in the first releases after 1.8. When something prevents the use of your product you pay attention. What did the Roon dev team prioritize? Star rating display. A simple cosmetic change. I fail to see the logic here. In my opinion the team dropped the ball on this one. Everyone makes mistakes, that’s fine, but 3 months waiting for this bug fix, which doesn’t seem all that difficult to fix, is kind of absurd considering that it makes the use of the product really really frustrating. This bug would be a top priority for me. But, like you said, product roadmap and other priorities take precedence. And that’s just sad. I’ve been in the software development business for 15 years. I know how things work. But never have we, as a team, waited this long for a critical bug fix no matter the roadmap and other priorities. Critical bug fixes in production are top priority. While you can wait for smaller bugs to get fixed every quarter (or whenever you schedule releases) you cannot wait for this one. This is big. I really would like to know why the dev team isn’t seeing this issue as being big.
@Dusty I couldn’t have said that better. I would like those answers as well.
I periodically search on this topic to see if this problem has been addressed. Seems it’s still not been completed. Adding this reply to keep attention on this.
If you search the forum you will find that this bug/feature was reported more than four years ago.
I think it’s been made worse (more screens affected) with 1.8.
for sure as I never noticed it in five years
I haven’t noticed it either until 1.8. If it was present before, 1.8 made it worse.