It’s a little too expensive for me

I have an all in one that has an internal SSD. I have a pair of usb HDs plugged into it. I ripped my collection of XDs to one of these hard drives and the second hard drive is used for storage of files and as my backup location.

I simply downloaded Roon to my pc and identified my USB drive as the location of my library and it took care of reading all of it into its directory. No effort at all. The pc sits on my desk in another room from my Uniti and wifi connects the two and I operate all of it with my cell phone. I’m 73 and if I can do it anyone can. Setup was a breeze and my outlay over and above my already existing expenses is the one year subscription. Budget should not stand in anyone’s way. It is, in my opinion, worth every penny for the information it gives me about artists and recordings I otherwise would be unaware of.

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I purchased a Nuc8i5 and installed Rock on it, nothing at all problematic, and it worked immediately. (It took under 30 minutes to get everything up and running once all the bits got here.) The endpoint is an Allo USBridge Signature running Ropieee, and the USB dac is a Topping DX-7s. (Note that I am now also using Ropieee on a couple of RPI 4 if you are really cost sensitive - with very good results.) None of these bits was terribly expensive - about $1300 total, and I have an annual subscription. Well worth it IMO, and I have 2 other zones I have added since. I’m very happy with this setup.

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I agree 100%. Roon’s hardware offerings are far too expensive. When I look at these overpriced boxes I too have doubts if Roon is for me. But then they are ex Meridian people as far as I understand - and yes, Meridian has gold plated bits too. But nevertheless, the software is good value. It is the same for Volumio. They sell an overpriced box too. I guess software people lose touch with what is needed. Or they transpose their margins onto hardware - then I did misjudge Roon.
Tune to Hifiberry for a change…

Overpriced is very dependant on perceived value to the individual purchaser and their own financial position. To say a Nucleus is overpriced without any further mention of the full picture is completely wrong and dare I say, misleading.
The price of Nucleus is what it as, the same as anything else. Wether an individual needs it, wants it, has other options that Roon make possible and can afford it are what matters.


Silent Mini PC on Ebay

The OP should think about getting one of these. There are lots of different models on ebay. Low cost, silent and runs Roon perfectly. Does all DSP to PCM->DSD 256. (512 is pushing it to the limit.)


I am 67 and I think you would simply love it. I tried it and was hooked and have lots of CDs, Vinyls, even Reel to Reel and cassettes. The ability to pull up about any music at hi-resolution, and the roon recommendations are so much better. Minor yearly cost and you can utilize a computer that you have.

As some have said but I would like to repeat it… All you need is

  1. A “helper” person that can do some set-up - they do not have to be all that technical but basic experience with a computer, installing software, etc. No need to pay a company if you know someone at all. They are going to have some time helping so buy them a drink or two:)
  2. A computer (there are minimal requirements and connecting to the internet is better but the “helper” person should be able to do this.
  3. Sign up and execute the trail period but if you try it you will like it… Use this forum during the trail period to answer any of your questions.

I recommend you reconsider and good luck. Carl

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I’ve thought the same as you: and fortunately my company has a fairly extensive cloud infrastructure. So I’m in the process of experimenting with that, the idea being to run Roon Core in the cloud, with all my ripped CDs moved from my ageing house server to the cloud. The biggest issue is the subnet mapping that’s needed to bridge our home network so that our local devices see the Core.

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I installed Roon Core/Server on a 2012 Mac Mini that I already had, and which I continue to use as a PC even while it runs Roon. I made no hardware changes. Roon took about 10 minutes to install and configure. My total outlay is the cost of the Roon subscription and 10 minutes of time. I’d love to run a NUC, and I will at some point, but for now this setup is working fine.

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Baby steps during a trial, but keep in mind if you have a large library a lesser spec machine will take some time to ingest your whole library…just try with a small segment to start with.

7th gen, unless there’s been an update

Sure, I agree to the term perceived value. A nice table may cost 2500€ while being made from wood having a value of 500€. A similar argument can be made about the Nucleus. I am no carpenter and hence would never be able to build myself such a nice table and hence will spent that money.



I’m 63 and share your initial thoughts, BUT:

This Roon system is simply unreal. While never a vinyl guy, I do have a few thousand CDs of every format.

FIRST — I got my Roon Nucleus for $765 off eBay. If you get the right Seller, eBay is a home run. I now have a $200k Meridian based system that I paid $25k for. Took me a few years to get here, but I’m here! I just saw another Roon Nucleus sell for $652 on eBay last week. Just have to set up a search with alerts on eBay. Otherwise, you can get a Roon for $1300-$1600 easy.

I would actually bet you that after having ALL your music on high quality files directly in your hands via an iPad or even phone — that a whole new world of music bliss will open up!

You will never go back to playing one CD or record at a time. Unless, there are those few albums where only the vinyl sound will suffice.

You do not have to pay $700 for the lifetime either. At our age, the $119 a year is just fine.


There are several incongruities in your thinking. The first one is that you don’t need a music server. Severs provide more convenience, and more reliability then a computer storage solution, and the simplicity of ditching your computer is nice. But you don’t NEED a server for Roon.

However, to really hear what a server can do, you would also need a lot more than a good server. You would, need a good audio system with resolution, accuracy, imaging and depth, and with low of enough noise of it’s own.

And as for your budget or $2500, just the price of the albums and CDs is going to cost you close to $2500 by itself, let alone the cost of a high end turntable cartridge; not mentioning the cost of good preamp with a decent phono stage. Why do you need an amp? what are you using now?

Sounds to me like you need some guidance here. I suggest finding a local audio shop that you is trustworthy (hint: try one that has been in business for over a decade or more, the longer the bette, Ask the store for guidance. and ask for guidance. And don’t take guidance solely over the Internet. Find a store that will let you audition the equipment first in your system at home.

My suggestion, if you have a decent audio system already is to put your money into a good quality DAC, (one that is Roon/Tidgal compliant) and start an annual subscription to Roon along with a high resolution Tidal subscription for your music. The a better than average DAC, and a few high resolution audio files, your $2500 turntable/cartridge/phono amp won’t sound better than the Roon/Tidal will Yeah, for $2500, I’d suggest the best DAC you can afford along with Roon/Tidal. That seems like a much smarter use of your retirement money.

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So yesterday I dug out an old Mac mini and setup Roon, it was very easy. Right now I only have some cds digitized and Amazon unlimited. I’ll have to subscribe to either tidal or qobuzz. I have a decent system and my integrated amp is Roon tested but is not hooked up to the internet. I have a bluesound node 2i hooked up to it. Will Roon see the amp through bluesound? Is Roon going to add Amazon? How do I play music through my amp?

Now that Roon is setup, can I remove the mouse, keyboard and monitor and just put the mini in the closet hooked up to the net?

Thank you

This should work without any problems, this is the way i run my Roon server on OSX.
Be aware that you may have to use the keyboard, mouse and video when putting the computer in place (and when an update is needed etc.).

Unfortunately in Canada…anyway, yeah, I think it runs well, especially in OSX. I have been running it on Ubuntu which is also pretty rock-steady, once you clear a couple hurdles…

The Bluesound Node 2i is RoonReady. So it should show up in Settings>Audio under Roon Ready devices. You will not be able to see the integrated amp through Roon. However, you should be able to control volume via the Node 2i, either through Roon or via the Node 2i.
So, just to be clear, the Mini is your Roon Core. It could just run RoonServer on its own just hooked to your network ‘headless’. Tablets, phones, computers will be your interface to Roon and each will need a Roon version on it. The Node 2i will connect to ethernet and will be a RoonReady audio device that feeds your integrated amp. Depending on how you set up the Node 2i, you can control the volume by Roon (with DSP volume control), via device volume control at the Node 2i, or at the integrated amp.

Thanks. I have 2 different outputs on list that say system output and have a speaker symbol. What are those?

Look under the RoonReady section. Do you see the Node 2i identified there? (it has to be turned on).
You may also have system outputs from the Mini. Ignore those for now.
BTW, we have a Bluesound Pulse that is RoonReady and it connects via wifi. That’s also an option for the Node 2i, I believe.

Yes bluesound is on the list. If I output to it that will play on my amps speakers?