Just Curious: What Proportion of Your Listening is Streaming / Downloads / Physical Media?

come on, show the post! it’s their first post!

It was a spammer promoting illegal activity. It was removed and the account closed.


oh that’s no good

carry on

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40% vinyl
55% local library
5% streaming

98% streaming
2% local library
Currently I dont have any phisical media any more.

100% Local library through Roon

Same here, 100% local library (ripped CDs/Downloads).

If you count in Live Radio, it‘s about 30% Radio, 70% library.

Approximately 50% lp, 40% Qobuz, 10% downloads/ripped CDs.

I can’t believe that I missed this topic on the first go round from back in November 2022 but I’ll hop on now.

When listening at home:

96.78652% Roon, which consists of about 75% local music library files, which are a mix of ripped CDs and various downloads, and 25% Qobuz or Tidal, which is mostly for newer recordings.

The remaining 3+% vinyl, all analog vinyl since if it’s a digital recording I listen to it via Roon.

When away from home:

In the car - 100% SiriusXM, mostly the Real Jazz channel

When not the car then either Qobuz or Tidal via my iPhone or local files on my FiiO M11 Plus

That covers about 94.623% of all my listening. :grin: :headphones: :+1:

simple for me:
100% Roon, 99% local music (ripped and downloaded) 1% Qobuz, but that’s gaining…

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Roon revolutionized my listening - nearly always playing something in the hose. Always with RHEOS and transferring between various rooms or groups. 99% Tidal or Quobuz and 1% locally ripped music. Hard to remember when I last loaded a silver or vinyl disc.

A lot of my exploration is from ROON radio and choosing the right track to seed the ensuing selection seems key.

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@Menzies 100% streaming (long story)
But not now :+1:

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My usage has changed over the last year. I stream less from Qobuz than I did and decided to invest in growing my own library of material. So it’s a listen via Qobuz, if I like it, I buy it, on the fence I’ll stream it for a while but I no longer have a streaming library in Roon as i just find it’s broken with Roons integration and slows the whole thing down.

My music now comes mainly from CDs, downloads and Vinyl. In the last month or so as I have invested in a new CD player and reinstated my old one in my other system and now using these a lot and Roon less. But I would say it’s 80% my own music now rest to Qobuz. The 80% is split by rips, downloads and playing CDs and Vinyl with Roon likely 70% of that over last two months prior it was all Roon. So it’s slowly shifting. It’s reliance on the internet, I’m not as convinced by some parts of it and I want to have a copy that I can choose where I play it.


That’s right.

3% physical library
97% streaming

Woohoo :tada::tada:

Actually, I have adopted @CrystalGipsy approach, but will use streaming services when I crave a listen to a certain album I don’t own yet.


  • 90% streaming from own library (ripped CDs and downloads)
  • 10% streaming from music services. If I listen to something more than 3 times, I typically purchase digital download version and add to library).
  • .0001 - vinyl on turntable (maybe one play every 10 years)

Aside from non roon which is pretty rare these days I don’t really care if it’s local or streamed. In the car it’s either Spotify or Apple Music as ARC is a PITA TBH. I have a large local library and both Qobuz and Tidal. While my wife is Asian she is not interested in KKBox :man_shrugging:

Vinyl is rare but I do love to play it when the mood and setup is operational.

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Although I still have a Rega turntable, for me it’s all about 24bit:
100% Digital ripped files: DSD64 and FLAC.
0% mp3 what so ever.
< 1% CD rips
0% Qobuz
0% Tidal
Audirvana mostly, because playlists function better and artwork is displayed correctly, unlike Roon. Roon I do use sometimes.

0% Streaming / 0% Physical media / 100% rips of my CD/SACD/DVD-A collection and downloads.

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Hmmm? I have an Audirvana license that I no longer use, but don’t recall any artwork advantages with it. I have all my own artwork that I have Roon display, however.

Roon uses its own over your own unless you set it all up to start with to use your own metadata. I end up changing a lot as well as track titles as it doesn’t match to the correct version I have. All my Kinks CDs it got them all wrong saying mono versions where stereo, stereo for mono. Most of the time it’s fine but I has its moments due to poor equivalence mainly.