Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
SOtM SMS-200ultra neo, Netgear switch, all wired ethernet
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Description Of Issue
When I try to use the “Identify Album” feature in the Album Editor, it automatically searches for a while and then goes to the “Manually Search for Your Album” screen, but there are no options listed and the Artist and Album fields are blank.
I enter the artist name and album name and then select an album, which is the first choice in this case. It then goes to the “Lets make sure everything’s in order” window as usual, but it is blank
I have tried this with multiple albums. If the album has already been identified, everything works properly. If the album is unidentified, this issue occurs
I have rebooted a few times already. I even shut off the core for a while and unplugged it. It does not happen with all albums. It is happening with Singles. I title my Singles and EP albums like “Album Title [Single]” or “Album Title [EP]”. This causes Roon to not be able to identify them so I always have to use “Identify Album” which has always worked.
See in this screen shot that it says “Unidentified” under the Released Date
It was right after the update that things got weird with it. I took a single and hit “Identify Album” and it did not work like it usually did as I described in my original post. Now, when I get rid of the “[Single]” at the end of the album name, the “unidentified album” goes away, but it shows up under the “Main Albums” section instead of the “Singles and EPs.” When I go to the Album Editor and hit “Identify Album” it does the same thing and just returns blank pages.
See when I remove "[Single] from the album title, the “Unidentified” is gone, but the album is still not identified.
Thanks for the details, @AnimalOnDrums. I’m enabling diagnostics on your account so our team can take a look at what’s going on here. I’ll follow up soon!
I wanted to reach out because I’ve been keeping an eye on our servers, waiting for the aforementioned diagnostics report.
For some reason it is not reaching our servers, even after I tried re-enabling diagnostics on your account. I also ran a quick test and I was able to submit a similar report from my setup here, so something else is going on.
So we can move forward, I was hoping for now you could use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link.