Yes, because the Control is supposed to get power from the Kiis over ethernet. I’m pretty sure in that case it doesn’t draw power from the mR
Also the ifi. It has more than enough power.
Thanks! I will try with an old 6V Sbooster tomorrow. Maybe there’s an improvement over the iFi, at least the MicroRendu will run cooler at 6V.
Ifi has common mode noise in 10s of volt area (up to 70V).
I would not recommend them.
Thanks. I’ll see if the Sbooster is sufficient.
It works with the Sbooster too, so I’ll use it for peace of mind. I can’t hear any obvious noise from the iFi iPower and my sound memory isn’t good enough to hear any difference with the 3+ minutes the shut down, changing of PSUs and restarting the MicroRendu takes. At least the MicroRendu runs cooler tucked away in a drawer with 6V.
According to the recently published Stereophile review of the 8c the internal sample rate is 48kHz, not 96kHz.
Awesome video by Bob! Great visuals and explanation! Cool fanbase
Just wanted to add my 2 cents after auditioning the Kii Three yesterday. For context, my system at home consists of a pair of Harbeth Compact 7-ES3s, an LFD LE Mk V amplifier and LUMIN D2 streamer. The D2 is fed from a Roon Server with material upscaled to DSD128. I love that system, so the Kii would have had to absolutely blow me away. In short, they didn’t.
While they were technically extremely impressive, detailed and precise, I also found them less engaging and enjoyable for my taste. Thing is that I am so enjoying the warm and forgiving sound of my system where almost anything sounds good. The Kii does something very different which is more clinical and just not for me.
Give the Kii a listen if you can, though. They might just be what YOU are looking for.
No one can argue with your taste, and the Kiis aren’t for everybody. It’s great to hear you love your system.
But, they have a very different sound, and in a short audition that may sound as if it is lacking something. With a longer audition, such as a home audition, your brain gets used to not hearing the “extra stuff” most setups add in, and the Kiis then sound less “clinical”, and just clear (in a good way) to many.
Very good summary! I agree 100%! Please also read my review.
Thanks for your response! Yes, I could imagine given them more time especially in a known listening environment would potentially yield a different outcome and preference. Unfortunately, my local dealer does not do home auditions or trials, so that’s not something I will be able to do. I was asking them for a trial, but unfortunately a no go…
I spend over 5 hours with them over two sessions…and over a week with the Dutch&Dutch.
What did you think of each. Dutch aren’t roon ready yet i believe.
There are owners who sold their streamer (cause they couldn’t hear a significant difference) and just connect a roon core to the KII remote to run Roon. I decided to go the „complicated“ (just kidding) way with a Allo DigiOne Sig over SPDif and some tunings with differeupower supplies from UpTone.
Thanks, I follow both speaker developments and continue to be interested in each.
Yes I was in your situation. I then decided to make a move in order to spend time with it and not waiting for it. It took also 3-4 months to be honest.
The pair Kalman Rubinson (@mitr) reviewed for Stereophile had a firmware with RAAT, but I believe Dutch&Dutch have changed their minds and want to sync L/R via ethernet instead of inter-connecting speakers with AES/EBU. As the ethernet sync is not yet ready, there currently is no RAAT.
Update to Kii Control is released!
Was not released after all, link removed.
Hi Please take down this link! This is not an official release and the link does not work. Thank you