Let's Talk about what's Moving and Grooving you today! [2024-01]

But how many cups of tea and bagels did you have in the process? :rofl:

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Hawkwind Live in Sunderland from Space ritual box.
I love Hawkwind. Plan to see them in April.
The complete gigs from the space ritual tour are something else.

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Mixing it up a bit today, so what’s different







Back down to earth now with Animals and Pink floyd. Ive already played the previous two classics so in the true spirit of equanimity, Animals had to be played.
In the true spirit of equanimity, The wall will not be played. Not if i want to keep that spirit.
I bought the album on day 1 and played it all the way through. Thats the first and last time.


You sure that you gave it a fair try? :flushed::face_with_peeking_eye:

Some Polish Prog and some American Rock


More Judas Priest here :metal:





Overall it’s a bloated album. Yes there’s some great tracks.
Tracks like the trial are ludicrous.
The best work is when gilmour is allowed to do something
Speaking of Davie, I am playing the sublime On an island at present
Is there a more relaxing album than this.
A beautiful album.

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Moved on to the Division Bell. I really like this album.
Such a pity it all ended here. Just when the lads seemed to find their way without Roger.
They they had nothing left to prove after this album.
Or just got sick of the game

Absolutely no idea, like I said, Bloody Computers!




Yep, happened to me several times with EU/NL singles getting recognized as totally different singles from the US…

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So, I’ve been thinking about getting a vinylplayer and into vinyl quite some times, but never did it. Yesterday we were at the in-laws, and lo and behold, my Dad in law askd my if I was interested in an older vinyl player they have no use for anymore (and some other vintage IT stuff).

I brought home a Marantz T433 front loading vinyl player, and to my utter surprise the front loading mechanism worked, and even so the needle. It’s a bt dirty, but besides that in pristine state. Even the box where it came in. Anyone have more knowledge about this vinyl player? I can’t find a lot around the internet quickly.

Of course I needed some vinyl with that, So I ordered “20 Years of Faithless”, and “Wish you were here”.

The turntable is hooked up to my Denon PMA 600-NE, and so far I’m really impressed by the sound. I played the same tracks digitally & through vinyl, but vinyl seems less “flat” (?)

So far I’m pretty happy :smiley:


analogue is very different to digital. Thats why those brought up entirely in the digital era struggle with analogue sound.
Our hearing gets attuned. If i was brought up in the digital era, then I would struggle with analogue.
This is why remasters and remixes are given a digital sound. Giles martin openly admits to doing this. Its probably why I dont like them.
I love the analogue purity and balance. Its more natural to me.
I can usually tell which is an analogue source and digital when listening.
Welcome to the real music scene.

I having a trip with the Great Society and their tremendous live set from the matrix.
Sally dont go round the roses is fantabulous.
grace slick paves the way the her Airplane taking off.
I love taking off to the Airplane.

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I grew up in the analogue era (still have some vinyl with kids songs on it, and a ton of tapes), but at a certain age that went out of the window as cumbersome and old fashioned, and at that age I wasn’t really focused on sound quality. From hearsay I got that vinyl sounded different to digital, but now I am older and have the budget and time, it’s great to dscover these things myself again.

I went to a record store this afternoon and to my surprise literally everything is available on vinyl. I was instantly hooked in rummaging through all those shelves etc.

“Wish you were here” could be here any minute with the delivery guy, see i’m keep one eye out on the driveway.