Let's Talk about what's Moving and Grooving you today! [2024-01]

The complete antithesis of how I view every other vehicle on the road! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Had to Google that one, as not a biker :grin:

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Saved my ass many a time, easier to wash off sweat than blood. I destroyed 1400usd in gear when a lady on her mobile phone hit me on the interstate. Bruising everywhere and a broken toe. I got off lucky :rage:


What about the bike?

Guess her excuse was she didnā€™t see you :roll_eyes:

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Not to be confused with ATGNI

All the gear, no idea.

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Thatā€™s me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes, yes it was. :wink:

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Luckily when she swept my front wheel out from under me I low sided ( thatā€™s the least violent way) and the bike VFR Honda just flat slid so only screwed one side.
Her insurance company was happy to pay for everything, they were happy that another automobile didnā€™t run me over :flushed:
They bought replacement parts for anything that had a scratch, didnā€™t complain at all Iā€™ve got pictures somewhere.

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Playing golf on pc and listening to After Bathing at Baxters.
Airplane are definitely in my top whatever for bands.
Iā€™ve been into this album for over 40 years

Too be fair it had all the hallmarkā€™s of a @Rugby Darkwave recommendation :grin::+1:

Currently on a bit of a Ross Jennings run


Stand up wheelies in tennis shoes and a tank top, now thatā€™s scary :scream:


Should be tattooed on every riderā€™s hand. I miss the Gixxers, but havenā€™t kept up with if they are still top form or not. Donā€™t want to be tempted back down that rabbit hole. I rode a Duc once and was impressed. It felt like going from a 'vette to a 300Z. Not as powerful, but much more nimble :slight_smile:

Now I drive a Camry. How grown up of me. :slightly_frowning_face:



Surrealistic pillow now to soothe me around pebble beach links.

Are the greens fast on your PC today :joy:

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About 20 of my 100 CDā€™s ripped and just sold the 90 I did not care for at $20 on FB Marketplace so the grand sum for my new to me 100 CDā€™s isā€¦$20.
20 cents eachā€¦I think Iā€™m happy :rofl:

Off to work now, its 58 out there now


In context, probably not a 5 star album. As a debut, itā€™s pretty good. :+1:


4pm vinyl. Groovy outing today. :v: