So I’ve noticed that when I add music to my library it isn’t auto updating. I have to force a rescan every time. Any ideas?
The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. - guard/listen
So I’ve noticed that when I add music to my library it isn’t auto updating. I have to force a rescan every time. Any ideas?
Discussed and answered many, many times.
Here’s one from yesteraday -
I hope this forum does not turn in to one of those places…
@xxx can you care to explain why you say is a NAS issue?
Which by the way, I’m not using a Synology NAS like most others. I am using FreeNAS so I am sharing out a dataset via NFS. I should’ve said that in my first post so I apologize.
I suspect you’re out of inotify handles.
What does
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
If it’s 8192 and you have more files (any type) and folders than that then that’d explain the behavior.
See here:
The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. - guard/listen
Thank you SO much Evan!! I think that is the answer. I just changed it so let’s see how that works. You are awesome with a capital A!
I hope this forum does not turn in to one of those places…
I feel the same way. People asking for help is not a bad thing. Even if someone thinks it might be a stupid question. That is what a community is all about. Helping others.
Which by the way, I’m not using a Synology NAS like most others. I am using FreeNAS so I am sharing out a dataset via NFS. I should’ve said that in my first post so I apologize.
People asking for help is not a bad thing. Even if someone thinks it might be a stupid question.
Not criticizing the asker, really criticizing Roon. In this case, I jumped the gun when I assumed it was a NAS box. Most of the time it is and the question can be answered by a forum search.
It’s not my explanation, it’s Roon’s explanation that it’s the NAS’s fault.
Hi @Da_Chen ----- Thank you for the continued feedback, and more importantly, thank you for your patience. My apologies for the slow response. We’ve found that many NAS devices have issues properly communicating changes to OSX in particular. Roon leverages OSX’s network storage infrastructure for watching NAS drives, so if you’re migrating to this setup from local storage or a Windows Core, you’re probably feeling those performance distinctions. Basically, when OSX is aware of a change on the n…
Anyone who has problems with a NAS box, or now FreeNAS, can search the forum and find the answers; if they’re so inclined.
n the months I’ve been on this forum I’ve noticed that 3 themes occur over and over.
!. The incessant whining about the price of Roon and the accompanying adolescent cajoling of the Roon principals to give people a ‘better deal’.
The ongoing battle between the objectivists and the subjectivists concerning the value of ‘audiophile’ cabling and expensive, boutique endpoints.
The fact that Roon does not, in many opportunities, succesfully automatically update it’s library.
The first two are probably unavoidable, but maybe Roon should stop giving the impression that its library is automatically updated.
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.