Linn Selekt DSM Edition disappears as Roon ready device (ref#SS4BXQ) [Roon Investigating]

What best describes your playback issue?

· My DAC, streamer, or speaker doesn't appear as a Zone in Roon

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *Network Zones* are affected.

Is the affected network Zone connected with Ethernet or WiFi?

· Ethernet

Which network audio protocol is the Zone using with Roon?

· RoonReady

Does the device show up at all in Roon Settings -> Audio?

· The Zone is listed under the wrong protocol

Does the device play audio from another source when using the same connection?

· The device has no problems with another audio source

Have you checked that Roon is whitelisted in any firewalls?

· I've checked the firewall and the issue remains

Since you are using a network connection to the device, please ensure that your RoonServer is on the same subnet as the device

· My devices are on a single subnet but is not visible to Roon

Do you have a complex network setup?

· Both the device and RoonServer are connecting to a *single router*

Try to disable any additional networking interfaces on your RoonServer machine.

· Disabling network interfaces had no change in behavior

Check to make sure RoonReady mode is selected on the device.

· I've checked this and the issue remains

If the device has multiple output options, do the other options work as expected?

· Only one output type is affected while the other output type works as expected

Is the device using the latest firmware as per the manufacturer?

· Firmware is up-to-date but the issue remains

Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?

· After 11:30pm CET+1 08/02/2025 - device was in sleep mode

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· Linn Selekt DSM Edition Organik, Product ID 1617745, Davaar Version 4.110.556

Describe the issue

Linn Selekt DSM Edition - disappears as Roon ready device

Describe your network setup

Mikrotik RB5009 router, EE8 switch

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Hi @Jozo_Slejko - Sounds like a known issue.

Normally a Linn reboot helps.

But it will happens again.

Good luck


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Yes rebooting helps but I’m tired of rebooting. I would like to see this fixed.


Me too :frowning: I got the same problem.


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Same issue here with my Selekt (no problem with my Klimax DSM). I contacted the Linn Helpdesk and they told me that this issue was introduced with Davaar 107 and fixed in 108. Unfortunately they had to withdraw that version because it introduced some other issues (some users experienced pops through their speakers). Obviously Davaar 110 did not solve this but hoping for 111.


Fixed in 108 which didn’t fix anything. And now 110 is out which is a reissued 108 but this isn’t fixed. :man_facepalming:

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What best describes your playback issue?

· Music stops playing unexpectedly

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *Network Zones* are affected.

Is the affected network Zone connected with Ethernet or WiFi?

· Ethernet

Does the issue affect all file formats?

· The issue affects *multiple/all* file formats.

Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?

· *Only streaming* music is affected.

Please select the streaming service(s) with which you're encountering playback problems.


Have you tried logging out and back in again to your streaming service in Roon Settings?

· Logging out and back in had no impact, the issue remains

Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?

· 04:00pm GMT+1 09/02/2025

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· Linn Selekt DSM Edition Organik, Product ID 1617745, Davaar Version 4.110.556

Describe the issue

Tidal HiRes FLAC streaming stutters for music over 44.1/48kHz sample rate.

Linn Selekt DSM Edition Roon Ready endpoint via wired ethernet.
Same with or without DSP enabled.

No issues with 44.1/48kHz.

No issues with locally streamed HiRes FLAC sources.

No issues with direct Tidal streaming (no Roon).

Describe your network setup

MikroTik RB5009 router, EE8 switch

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Your Linn endpoint is wired, but how is your Roon Server connected to the internet? It should have a wired connection.

Roon NUC also wired directly to the router.

Hi @Jozo_Slejko,

Thanks for sharing your report - in the future, please refrain from creating multiple threads around the same issue, it makes it more difficult for our team to track. Thanks for your cooperation there!

We don’t have any immediate next steps to test, we’re hoping to gain more insight from Linn directly and while we don’t have any specific information to share yet, we’ll certainly keep you updated as we learn more.

Thank you for the patience in the meantime :pray:

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Roon Server Machine


Nucleus One with 4 TB Samsung SSD internal drive

Networking Gear & Setup Details

New AT&T router and Araknis switches. I do not know what “YPN” is but I am using a fairly conventional US WiFi system.

Connected Audio Devices

Linn Selekt Edition DSM with Organik DAC, connected to home network via fiber optic to Araknis switch and AT&T router

Number of Tracks in Library

My library has about 70,000 files and the vast majority of those are in FLAC format ranging from 16 bit/44.1 kHz to 24 bit/192 kHz.

Description of Issue

I have a Roon Nucleus and a Linn Selekt Edition DSM with Organik DAC. Although the Linn Selekt Edition DSM is Roon Ready, in my system, Roon detaches from the Linn after about an hour or two of playtime. At that point, the Linn Roon endpoint disappears and becomes playable only through AirPlay. I call this the Purple Circle of Roon Death. See photos below. I can fix it by restarting the Linn and the Roon. But this takes time and the fun out of a listening session and is embarrassing if I am entertaining others.

More details about the problem follow after the three screenshots below:

Screenshot 1 of 3: Everything works fine; Roon sees the Linn Selekt Edition and the music sounds awesome:

Screenshot 2 of 3: about an hour or two into a listening session, and especially following heavy navigation of Roon artists, composition, albums, and genres pages, the “purple circle of death occurs”…

Screenshot 3 of 3: after maybe about 5 or 10 minutes, Roon resolves but stops seeing the Linn Selekt Edition DSM as an endpoint and sees it only via AirPlay (with a material degradation of sound quality, unless I restart the Linn, which requires powering down my amp first, then powering down the Linn, then restarting the Linn, then restarting the amp):

If anyone has some suggestions that a non-IT professional can try, please let me know. My WiFi contractor installed fiber optic and Araknis switches to accommodate our home network needs, which include a busy house as well as high-res streaming. I had the same problem before the installation when I ran Cat6 straight to the Roon and the Linn from my old router. I was hopeful a new router, new switches, and fiber optic cables would improve the situation. But I am having the same basic problem.

Although I could perform more network forensics, I am inclined not to do that. It is hard to do it myself and hard to find a good WiFi contractor who also knows Roon and the relatively niche market of streaming high res files in a high-end system.

It is telling that this problem happens with the Linn but not with the considerably cheaper BluSound Powernode on the same network. That suggests a problem with the Linn and Roon, and not a problem with my network—even if I were inclined to tinker with it, which I am not. However, if anyone has some ideas about how to fix the problem, please let me know.

Further to that particular point, I have become aware through prior posts in the Roon community that Linn may have failed to work with Roon sufficiently to work out all the bugs. If you agree or have further insights about the Linn-Roon relationship as of 2025, please let me know.

And, to the extent that you all have added an alternative to stream digital files to the Linn, such as Audirvana or others, please let me know how you implemented it.

I am inclined to keep the Linn because despite this problem, the streaming and DAC are amazing. In fact, I speculate that the sensitivity of the Linn—especially the Edition with Organik DAC—have sensitivities or subtleties that lead or contribute to the failure I have been experiencing. If you have insight into that, please feel free to share that as well.

Rebooting is not a solution when it happens every listening session!


I agree. Although I don’t experience frequent dropouts as in your case. I never have dropouts while listening. I lose Linn as Roon Ready device over the night when the Linn is in sleep mode.

Looking at your case, how you call it ‘purple circle of death’ seems to indicate there’s a major problem with your setup. Given you’ve tested with BluSound, we can rule out Roon alone being the issue.

Have you tried streaming directly via Linn app? Any issues?

Also, can you explain how the Selekt is connected to the network? I didn’t know Selekt has SFP for optical connection.

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@benjamin Excuse my ignorance, what makes you think this is the same issue? You believe Roon Ready device disappearing and Tidal HiRes stuttering are the same issue?

@David_Bissinger could you share some links to this info? Thanks

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Qobuz on the Linn app seems to do fine. As for the fiber optic, it connects to an Araknis switch. Then it is a standard but short Cat6 Ethernet cable from the Araknis switch to the Linn. However, I am pretty confident that the switch and the fiber optic are all OK. I experienced the same problem before I had the switch and the fiber optic and used Cat6 Ethernet cable directly from my router to the Linn.

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Let me dig through the Roon Community. I cannot remember exactly where I saw it. I also had an offline series of direct messages with one user who had posted a similar issue.

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@Jozo_Slejko, check this post out; there may have been others but it was the one most germane to me and my issue: Roon not seeing Linn Selekt DSM

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If you haven’t already done it, contact Linn helpline.

I got this message:

“I have passed this issue to our software engineers for them to investigate. I have had another user report the same issue”

(Linn Selekt DSM disappears as Roon ready device after restart)


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Rick, thank you. Do you have the phone number or email?