Or provided a Snap or Flatpak with Roon running on Wine (just like foobar2000). Roon on Wine breaks regularly, and whilst it’s currently working, resources are once again high, with my laptop fan running constantly.
I’ve done this using Waydroid, and contrary to what you believe, this uses far less resources, and runs like a native app. Indeed, if Roon supported an Android version for the Linux desktop, I’d be happy, so long as the (few) issues are resolved.
Does it when the screen is large enough? I’m not sure if there are any features I regularly use missing.
I was aware of the folder browse options, and save to desktop equivalent when using the share options, but not the others. If there were an Android build for the Linux desktop, these points would need addressing, along with colour saturation, and scrolling, which is currently a dealbreaker.
Wonder if there are some stats out there for Personal/Non Business/Non Corporate Desktop usage - My point is this: Everyone I know and know of uses a Mac IF they use a laptop (or desktop) at all. Literally only 2 persons I know between all my friends and family use Windows. So it’s strange to see it at 72% for Windows vs 16% for Mac OS X.
Again, I KNOW that a very limited sample and all in itself does not prove anything. THAT I KNOW.
But I wonder, what would the proportion would be for Mac OS X ( and Linux ) if we don’t count corporate usage, which I suspect it’s the bulk of Windows users. Further supporting my point is that we have a Mac OS X app AT ALL.
Think about it. At 16%, it still seems also too small for us to have a Mac OS X native app. IMHO, it would seem that personal usage share for Mac OS X is way higher than 16%. And personal usage is where Roon lives, not corporate usage. Hence, we have a native app.
Roon could support us by officially supporting Roon on Wine and
Maybe dedicating a dev to once and a while check that Roon on Wine still works with the latest Wine.
Not forcing updates for the remote on Wine, just in case latest Wine breaks it.
Maybe the fact that Roon founders probably use Macs that mean there is a Mac app.
In business outside of Microsoft Office and Adobe, there is very little support for Macs in business and I have have always had to run Windows desktop streaming apps to support my Mac user’s.
As the SME business world slowly moves towards web apps that problem goes away.
Personally I have 2 Macs, 3 Windows machines and 3 Linux machine’s (4 if I count a Chromebook), but we are a bit of a self selecting audience here.
Also the vast majority of older home users I know only have Windows laptops (or Chromebooks if they have younger school aged children), and many younger people I have Mac’s (and most are clueless how to use them but hey their friends tell them they are the best), but that didn’t stop Mac OS market share tanking in the latest stat counter report (so I take all these reports with a pinch of salt as I did last year when Mac OS shot up in usage).
Everyone I look after now has a Chromebook to keep them safe and my life easy (unless they have a compelling arguement that they need specific software)
Exactly - very little support for Mac at businesses (now, that is, depending on the industry). Hence again, more evidence that the bulk of Windows use is corporate, hence the idea that Mac’s share in Roon’s intended market is WAY higher than 16%, hence, we get the app.
Nothing to do, I believe, with what Roon leaders use…
Again, everyone’s family, friends, social circle is different - In my circle, being an engineering circle, WE ALL know our way around stuff, no matter what it is, be it Mac OS X (remember, Mac OS X is UNIX) , Windows, obviously Linux - Ubuntu, Arch, Debian or the really obscure distros - young or old, almost no one is clueless around here! Young people are the ones building the amazing stuff you see out there.
That said, I WHILE THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION, I still don’t see evidence to counter it - corporate use makes up most of Windows share. Older people won’t get you to 72%. When it comes to Mac OS X decline, again, IMHO from my observations, comes from consumers sticking to phones. That I see plenty of. They don’t get a Mac like they used to… but they also don’t get Windows…
But then again, supporting that is in the fact that we do have Mac OS X apps for most of the consumer stuff. I do wish someone will break down the share stats to see if I am wrong or right, or something in between!
To bring it back to subject… Where does that leave Linux? Maybe a little higher than 4%, but sadly don’t think that much. But this is a high value group. Engineers, Computer Scientists, Developers… high income, high visibility, very knowledgeable about how to spread the word. Again, very little could go a long way. Declare a recommended Wine release. Have one person check whether every Roon update still runs under that release, don’t force update if it doesn’t.
No arguments on that that one. I think 90% of business desktops are likely to be Windows just on cost.
My company was more like 70/30 but only because we ran a large studio and they all got Macs even the ones not competent to use them. Line of business software is almost all Windows and now moving to Web but the upgrade cycle is slow.
I think personal use is probably closer to 60/40 Windows and Mac and Linux is really only with the technical people, though if you want to include Chromebooks then it does get on the radar at least.
starting to sound like a lot of people on this forum, but again under 10% running desktop I would say and maybe even closer to 4%
I think (for your link) poster is 1) exaggerating a bit 2) being half-hearted with the Linux support - hence the issues. And also… games…
BUT I think this is the heart of the matter. You are 100% right. No matter the small share and its Unix heritage, Mac OS X IS a high profile consumer platform, produced by the most valuable company on the planet.
Hence it will be supported. And this is also why for example a bunch of embedded development tools are only available on Windows - it sucked back when I worked on that! but well, technical usage is considered corporate usage. Eclipse and now VSCode are making things a bit better so we can do more on Linux. BUT there is no technical reason for those tools not to be available on Mac… it is just the perception of the user base.
But would love for more people to join in requesting the semi-official support of the Wine solution. Again, not much more to be done. Not forcing updates would go a long way! Just the minimum so it keeps running!
(Wigwam wool socks now on asymmetrical isolation feet!)
What I don’t get is why the GUI isn’t a Web app. Sure, there will be synchronization issues, and when Sooloos was being built, I’m sure things like WebSockets were new and rare. But today?
Much the same as with the recent database discussion. A small team with expertise in what they do/need. They likely don’t have people with much expertise in topics they don’t use. Furthermore, as the Roon UI we know is “just” a client, swapping the UI to web means throwing all away and start again from a blank slate (for the Roon clients) with new people that bring the needed expertise. A project for years. Given the information from the “Harman” announcement, this was for sure not an option in the past. Maybe it now becomes one … let’s see if we get a new web based client in a few years.
I know there is a good amount of developers around here - from what I understand the Roon remote is a Mono framework app. Assuming I am correct, do any of those developers have any experience with that framework? I see that Linux is a supported platform.
My question would be on how hard is to actually have multiplatform builds? Thinking that the client part is fairly generic given that it runs well under Wine. Now, I have never tried to use a local audio interface on my Linux box running Roon Desktop under Wine, so that might be the tricky part. But we know that the Bridge runs on Linux. So the code is there.
Not a small project - sure. I do know that, so no need to state the obvious. Just kind asking the developers here with Mono experience how would a project like that feel.
The android app completely loses connection and/or craps itself regularly. A webgui would completely solve so many problems
(Wigwam wool socks now on asymmetrical isolation feet!)
Wine is, in my opinion, a constantly shifting and frequently broken pile of junk. Windows GUI on Wine is not an acceptable option.
(Wigwam wool socks now on asymmetrical isolation feet!)
If they don’t have a full-stack developer on site already, there are plenty being laid off from Silicon Valley. Good ones, too. And the design is already done for the layout and such. Not that that part couldn’t be improved.
I assume that the desktop apps (and the phone apps) include the Bridge, so there is some part which would have to remain local for that to work. I also assume they are using .NET MAUI by now, and have moved on from Mono.