Loss of Qobuz Playlists and Bookmarks in Roon (ref#7RYK4N)

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Suddenly Roon lost all of my playlists, which are in Qobuz, and all of my bookmarks, which are from playlists in Qobuz and from DSD files on a local hard drive. The playlists are there only on a sidebar, which is essentially worthless for a large number of playlists. Please help!

Update - correction: The Qobuz playlists are there, but they do not appear in the bookmarks that I set up for them. I can get to them through a general Qobuz icon that has appeared, but I have lost my organizational system, which was in the bookmarks. The bookmarks that I set up for the Qobuz playlists now show as being empty. Everything was accessible until today. I don’t see any way to reconstruct my bookmarks for the Qobuz playlists. Some good news: I originally thought the bookmarks for the DSD files and for Roon albums were also missing, but they are there.

Another update: I now see that the changes were made on purpose:

I think that the changes are good overall and that they represent some significant improvements. But so far I haven’t figured out an efficient way to rebuild my organizational system for playlists in the new Roon system. I have 6,880 playlists made in Qobuz, which were previously easily accessible in Roon bookmarks. I hope I don’t have to just start over.

@frankwileymusic I’m sorry for the issue you are having here. I’ve sent your report to the team and they are going to investigate. Someone will be back in touch with you next week with more information.

Hello @frankwileymusic ,

Thanks for your patience while we’ve had a chance to look into this further. We tried to reproduce the issue in-house, but we have not been able to do so, the playlist bookmarks transfer performed as expected between Roon versions.

Does this mean that you no longer see the listing in bookmarks, or that the playlist is empty when you click the bookmark?

Also, we have enabled diagnostics mode for your account and we noticed that there were several recent crashes tied to your account, have you noticed any instability with Roon in this regard?

The crashes seem to happen in a fairly abnormal place, in the logging near startup, so I would advise running a check disk on your PC as a precautionary measure:


Thanks very much! The listing is there in bookmarks, but it empty; there are no playlists. Example: I had a bookmark called “New Music Playlists,” which included lots of playlists - possibly more than 1,000. Now nothing is showing.

I was using a code to label the playlists, most of which were actually complete albums - 00newPiano or 00newTakemitsu or 00newVar, etc. Whenever I added one of these playlists in Qobuz, Roon automatically placed it into the bookmark, or perhaps I should say the bookmark found it, since the code was in the playlist name. I can’t figure out away to do this now, even if I create a new bookmark. Am I missing something?

Thanks for mentioning chkdsk. I will run that. I think there have been some problems with my wi-fi that might have caused the crashes.

Thank you!

Hello @frankwileymusic ,

Have you been able to run chkdsk on the system, did it reveal any errors?

I am not aware of any such mechanism, where exactly did you place the labels for the albums, in the album metadata using an app?

If you create a new Roon Backup of your database and try to restore an older backup that had the playlists, do the playlists by any chance re-appear, even if only temporarily?

If restoring a backup triggers any change, please send us a copy of your live RoonServer directory. You can do so by using the following instructions and uploading to the below link. Thanks!


Thanks so much for your help with this, Noris!

When I created the playlists, each of which usually includes an entire album, I took the title from Qobuz and simply added my invented “code” at the beginning, by typing it in. So the Qobuz title “J. S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080 - Masaaki Suzuki” is entered as “00barBachArtofFugue J. S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080 - Masaaki Suzuki”. “00” is just so it doesn’t get mixed up with normal titles, and “bar” is for Baroque. I have 00ren for Renaissance, 00ji for jazz instrumental, etc.

I didn’t get an appropriate Roon backup protocol in place until the Roon update, so I don’t have the older backups. (I have a good backup system in place now!)

I think I have been looking at this the wrong way. My full list of Qobuz backups is there in Roon under Playlists/Qobuz. The subdivisions are just not in the bookmarks where they used to be. I can still find all jazz instrumental playlists in the Qobuz playlist in Roon by filtering 00ji. The Roon bookmark system I was using was especially handy, because when I added a playlist that started 00bar, Roon automatically added it to my Baroque bookmark. But it really turns out to be not that big a deal.

What I am doing now is running simultaneous saves on Qobuz playlists (on Qobuz, then accessible in Roon playlists) and in Roon albums. It’s a bit cumbersome, but it works.

I do have one other question relating to this. I keep a record of the appropriate volume setting for each album in Roon. I do this by editing the album, using the title given by Roon and then adding the volume level at the end. I have a feeling there might be a better way to do this built into Roon. Any thoughts?

Thanks again!


Hi @frankwileymusic,

Thank you for your patience.

Can you please provide a screenshot of how you’re performing this in Roon within the Album edit window?

What do you have set for the Volume Leveling within the Zone settings?

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