Loss of Transparency in Roon Album Art Display (ref#BO1XXR)

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Transparency with album art (.png) isn't working as expected. Generally transparency works. Recent I have come across a problem - the art/transparency shows fine in Windows Explorer and in apps like Photos, but in Roon the transparency is lost for some reason. See screenshots below for examples.

Windows explorer:

Screenshot 2024-02-20 191713

Windows Photos app:


3 years ago you wrote that a rescan seemed to fix transparency. Not anymore?

Edit: I guess it already didn’t in '22 and remained unresolved:

Yeah, unfortunately those threads were closed otherwise I could have continued them. The problem persists. Looking back at my screenshots, it’s not super-obvious in the last one, but there is a black border around the image that is quite visible in Roon.

I don’t think a rescan worked, but I will try it again. For me, because I have all my music added via one root folder, it has to rescan the whole lot. I’ll maybe separate it and add the subfolders, but that’s a separate issue. Will report back.

I was surprised that it would have in the first thread, but you said so :wink:

Just tried a force rescan - it completed very quickly, but doesn’t seem to have fixed it.

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