macOS Catalina’s new security model broke Roon - how does this happen?

Yep, and even if they did that it might be okay. BUT THEY HAVEN’T!!! They haven’t said anything beyond the one notice so we don’t know where they are. Some people have speculated that they may be writing an Apple native app, some have specualted that they are preparing for a huge upgrade…both or either of these thing would be okay if they would only tell us!

Roon have said that they hope to have a fix soon. They have been developing and testing it and as soon as it is ready it will be released.

Yep, they said that twenty days ago and since then nothing…

:point_up_2: Meaning it’s still being worked on … Is it really that difficult for folk to comprehend?


How can you not understand, it’s not the ‘being worked on’ bit that’s bothering us, it’s the lack of communication about it. If you must add your comment, at least read the thread.

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They did communicate. If you haven’t heard from them, that means that last communication is still applicable. No point in repeating the same message over and over again.

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No point in repeating the same message over and over again


I think everyone should take a deep breath and relax. My music notation program “Finale” also is a culprit of Catalina. This is all they say:

Finale v26.1

"While our initial testing suggested that Finale v26.1 and Catalina worked pretty well together, four issues prevented us from calling it compatible. Learn more.

If you’ve never used Maestro Times or exported an .EPS file, you might consider these to be minor concerns. Nevertheless, we take compatibility very seriously and aren’t comfortable glossing over these problems, even if they’re relatively obscure. Instead, we’re working as quickly as we can to fix them and release a free update for all v26 owners.

In the meantime, we recommend that you don’t update to Catalina. Apple still supports Mojave, and delaying the move to Catalina means you’ll have a better Finale experience while we work on these fixes.

Should you find yourself running Finale v26.1 in Catalina and experiencing an issue not listed in this knowledge base article, pleaseSubmit a Request to let us know.

Finale v25.5

Finale v25.5 is a different story. It is not compatible with the latest macOS and will not be updated to support Catalina.

That said, Finale v25.5 remains supported on compatible operating systems.

What’s Next

While our extensive testing continues, we are committed to solving these issues ASAP. Finale v26.2 is coming soon and will be free-of-charge to all owners of Finale v26. Among other improvements, it will include full compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina.

While we have not announced an official release date, we have every intention of releasing Finale v26.2 before Thanksgiving."

That being said, I do believe Roon should offer yearly customers at least a free extra month, since we are paying for a full year of use. The lifetime members bought a lifetime’s worth of Roon and should probably have to eat it as part of their lifetime use.

You know what? I’m done…I can’t be bothered arguing with a bunch off apologists who seem to think it’s okay to be walked over and then pay up for the privilege.


Just check out other “Music” apps and plugins Catalina compatibility
I would say just about
10% or less have it ready.

So much misinformation and terribly confused users here I don’t even know where to begin. I thought Roon users were more technologically adept, but apparently most of you are clueless.

To the last few points, the issue here is NOT an audio incompatibility.

  1. Apple changed their audio framework (for the better), but that has no bearing on Roon. So why are we posting apps and links about unrelated problems?
  2. The dropping of 32bit support may be impacting unprepared developers who knew this was coming for almost 2 years. That again is not the issue here.
  3. Apple isn’t making it harder for 3rd party apps to run so they can take a cut. Warnings about unverified apps are not forcing anyone to only make their apps available in the store, or for a fee. This is simply hogwash. But again, that has nothing to do with this issue.

Roon’s QA dropped the ball. They failed. In a massive way. There’s no sugar coating this. Users reported the issue on 10.15 beta. They didn’t test the betas properly, did not heed user feedback about the very issue, and did not fix it prior to release.

Because Roon’s QA failed miserably, they didn’t get any kind of messaging out before users upgraded. Beyond that, they have sent no emails warning users after the problem was discovered not to upgrade, which probably would have helped at least a few users now impacted.

Clearly since I received an email about new Roon Ready Hardware after Catalina released, this lack of email communication about a serious issue like this was a decision to not further publicize a serious failure by their team.

You can support how they chose to deal with this, but at least come to the table with some knowledge. I work on a third party set of apps that tested extensively for incompatibilities and bugs with both iOS 13 and 10.15. Unsurprisingly, we addressed the catastrophic failures wherein our software still works.

For many users Roon is simply worthless at the moment. I have a 128GB MBA and my storage is all external. I can’t work around this. You can blame me for upgrading, but it doesn’t change the fact that such a massive bug was missed, not communicated, etc. Drink up the Koolaid or conflate other macOS software incompatibilities and bugs with this issue, but it doesn’t change what happened here.


Agree totally. Time to close this thread.


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I like Roon and I still support Roon, but I think Roonlabs management and Dev/QA have not done enough here.

And I still cannot believe my eyes when I read it from a Roon KB editor:

> At the end of the day they have to earn your trust back

*I can’t help feeling that it’s actually the other way round. One has to be open to the possibility that people are deserving of your trust. If you don’t give it, it may be a failing on your part.

He is blaming the Roon users for this?

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Maybe Roon should take one of their developers/programmers off the task of fixing Roon and give them the assignment of responding to all the people who keep asking for an update.

What’s your point? I upgraded for other reasons that had nothing to do with Roon and are necessary for work I do. So whatever point you’re trying to make about me while ignoring the very salient points I made about this issue in general are… well, completely irrelevant.

I may be a Roon KB editor - but I don’t work for Roon Labs. I’m a customer, just like you. I also do volunteer work, some of which is helping out in editing the Roon Knowledge Base.

I’m not “blaming” anyone. Just pointing out that one has to be open to the possibility that people are deserving of trust. Glass half full or glass half empty - your choice of how you view the world and make your way within it.

Are they the same perspective?

In these case the word “apologists” seems to mean “reasonable people”.

Look, it’s hard to have a discussion with people that claim the sky is falling because the Roon Core does not run correctly on a new macOS release.

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Any updates? Anything? Hello?