I am running ROCK on a NUC and am very happy with its performance and reliability. As part of the initial setup, I copied ffmpeg to the correct location as per the ROCK installation instructions. So all well!
My question is around maintaining the latest version of ffmpeg from their site. Are there any considerations, or things to be aware of, if I update it periodically to maintain the latest version on the ROCK? As I type this post, it looks like we are on version 7.0.1.
discusses, there is usually no need. However, for Live Radio it was recently realised that certain .m3u8 radio streams stopped if using old versions of ffmpeg.
In way of an update, I updated my NUC Rock instance using the latest ffmpeg file (simple copy across using file explorer, overwriting the older version). I then restarted the ROCK server using the local IP based web interface feature. Pleased to report all went well and it appears to be working absolutely fine. Hopefully that is useful for others considering doing the same.
Unless you have issues with (some) live radio, as mentioned above, older versions are just fine. I think this was resolved in an older release, too, and may only affect macOS that ships with a much older release.