Major problems with Roon (new user) [Resolved - Build 222]

Hi @crieke,

I think there’s some misunderstanding. The playing on my mac issue was solved a couple of days ago by configuring exclusive mode on my BuildIn audio device. Playing is always good via Qnap’s HDMI.

The timeout I’m experiencing is not with playing :smile:. It’s just with displaying the page for these two albums. Nothing really in common. I only added about a dozen albums, most of the albums in my library are from Tidal (these two are not). It’s really strange. I actually have to sometimes restart roon client in order to be able to browse again after it happens.

Are both albums “large”, Eg many tracks or multi disc? The Bach is of course, but is the other?

Hi Nathan,

Bach is 3 CD’s and the second one (Britten’s Albert Herring) is 2 CD’s. I have other 2 cd albums that load without a problem.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry for my bad grasp today! :smiley: I think the timeout confused me (and I mistakenly connected it to audio playback).
If you move both albums out of your watched folder hierarchy, then everything is fine?

I think I never experienced this kind of timeout here.

Where did you put your flac files? Are they on a separate share on the QNAP?

Hi Haim,

I am in a similar situation, that occasional multi-disc albums load but others do not (either blank screen or error loading saved page).



My flac files are in a Roon under the Multimedia share. I don’t have to take them out of the directory, I can just not view them and everything is ok. It’s just when I want to view them that it happens (not all of the time, it comes and goes).

That’s disturbing :frowning:, how often does it happen? Do you happen to know if there’s a difference between Tidal albums and regular (from file) album? I still have almost 1000 albums to copy and I’m afraid that many of them will behave like that.


I just scrolled through my Tidal albums and many 2 - 3 disk albums timed out. I’m afraid it doesn’t look good. No matter how nice the experience is when it works, I don’t want to struggle with it so much.


@support, do you have any idea that will save the day?

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Hi @Haim_Ashkenazi ---- Thank you for the feedback and my apologies for the troubles. I wanted to touch base with you to let you know that we are aware of this issue and steps are being taken by our tech staff to address it accordingly.

From @Mike:



Great to here. I would really hate to give up on this :smile:.

Build 222 was just released and it seems to solve this problem. :smile:.

Thanks @support.