Metadata Improver error message with SonicTransporter

Thanks for sending those over, @KDZ! I’ve passed them along to the team for analysis.

Hi @KDZ,

We released a new version of Roon yesterday — Is there any change after updating?

Release notes can be found here:

For me everything works pretty well since this update, thanks a lot to all Roon teams :wink:

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The problem came back …
red triangle again :frowning:

its getting worse and worse, sometimes I cannot see any albums on Qobuz, and when I see them again I cannot see the album cover, even if I go in Edit and Identify Album, it finds nothing :frowning:
And I cannot delete albums.
Now I have use again Qobuz app to be able to navigate …

Edit : I’ve made new update this morning and I’ve given static IP to my core . Seems to work fine now :wink:

Hey @KDZ — Let us know how the static IP goes and if you see the issue return please use the directions found here and send us over another set of logs using a shared Dropbox link.


Edit: some bugs with Qobuz but when I reboot core everything works again

Hi Dylan,
Each time I turn off my server in the evening, when I turn it on the next morning I need to also do a restart because otherwise I do not have albums from Qobuz … would you have any clue ?

Can I ask why you turn off your core? I have ST too.

When you turn off your core you have to stop Roon server first and then you can turn off the core.

Thanks for your answer Khang,
I’ve done what you’ve said and it works fine !
The thing is with previous version of roon I didn’t have this problem, I was just turning off and on the ST. I’m very happy with it, it works perfectly and it’s easy to manage :wink:
I turn off all my system every evening and turn it on every morning, there is no point to let it on during the night and it’s better in terms of electricity and environment :wink:
My ST has the linear power supply which is quite warm at the end of the day, I feel it makes sense to turn it of when I do not use it.

I don’t have linear power supply for my ST. Do you see the big improved with LPS for ST? Thanks

I’ve ordered it at the beginning so I do not have the basic power cable to compare now :wink:
But in my experience with other devices an LPS gives a bit more in terms of clean sound because electricity power can always be a source of noise in hifi.