Missing CODECs?

Just in case it is somehow connected to decompressing the zip file. Here is the untouched file.

Hope this will give you success.

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When you connect to the Data directory of ROCK are you using the IP address?

This is a strange enough problem I’m wondering if you’re actually connected to the correct share.

Then, if you mount that Share on your Linux desktop you should be able to execute the binary directly from the share verify 1) It’s not corrupted 2) The version.

I remember having some weird issues myself many years ago. Very similar; I think solution was to copy the file from windows client. Somehow it never worked when copying from Linux or macOS.

It has been a while…

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Take a look here: "Missing codecs" after installing ffmpeg with Linux - #4 by Nickpi

You will have to this as root (or with sudo in this case) from a terminal:

  1. Mount the ROCK data folder to /mnt/ on your computer
    sudo mount -t cifs //rock/Data -o vers=1.0 /mnt/
  2. Maybe you will have to change the directory where your extracted file is first, e.g.
    cd /home/user/Downloads)
  3. Copy your ffmpeg file to the mounted ROCK folder
    sudo cp ffmpeg /mnt/Codecs

After that a reboot can not hurt.

Forgot to mention:
I wrote a bit about my ROCK project (to remind myself) on github. Maybe there is one or the other interesting information here.


I just did this not too long ago and if my memory is correct you need to reboot your Rock after uploading the codec. My Rock had a question mark also until I rebooted it, then it was corrected. It probably reads that folder upon bootup of the device.

Hey Dafydd_Waters,

Just to be sure:

You still have problems? You have an amd64 CPU in your ROCK?

Hi all. Thanks everybody for responding. In the end, I borrowed my partner’s Windows laptop, redownloaded the file and made the transfer all in a Windows environment and Hey Presto! it works. So I reckon it was something to do with permissions in Linux but I couldn’t be arsed to figure it out. Thanks again everyone who took the time to try and help. Now I can listen again to the approximately 9 out of six thousand records I still have as .mp3 files :slight_smile:


Glad you managed to make it work. Maybe next time the question pops up we will remember? (probably not!).

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