Missing Qobuz favourites

Roon Core Machine

MacBook Air

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear Nighthawk

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

4337 (should be around 9k)

Description of Issue

In Qobuz I have substantially more tracks than I can see in roon:

Steps I have tried:

Manually syncing (services, Qobuz, sync now)
Signing out and in again
Full core wipe (starting from fresh)

I cannot get my favourites to properly pull into Roon.

The missing Qobuz tracks might just be hidden.

When browsing your library Roon hides duplicates by default, but you can turn this off at any time from the General tab of Settings by toggling the Show Hidden Tracks And Albums option.

Thanks for the suggestion. I toggled the option in the settings but the count is still the same.

Also tried transferring all of my qobuz content to Tidal to see if it has the same problem, it doesn’t. All the tidal favourites (5k+) all show correctly.

And those Qobuz tracks are all favorites (hearted) in Qobuz too (and not “just” in your Qobuz library)?

Correct, they are tracks I’ve favourited in Qobuz. When I look in Roon, only a small amount of them show.

Same problem with Qobuz favorites that don’t show up any longer in Roon.
It used to work fine until 1.8_legacy.
What version are you running ?

I am running 2.0.

Update: issue has gotten worse, tracks are now down to 500 ish.

Qobuz support acknowledged the issue and their technical team advised I should use soundiiz to replace the album’s.

I had to delete my entire Qobuz library (tracks and albums), then reimport them through a third party tool.

Needless to say this was unpleasant and means I’ve lost most of my tags and reviews (the album copy changes of course).

Absolutely furious (at Qobuz not Roon).

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