Missing strings in Localizely: report here

Missing: most of the start screen.

Strings also missing for Settings / DSD Playback strategy and associated dropdown menu.

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Of course the main app’s Settings section will require translation:

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Dowloads screen, « x of y items complete » missing

Queue screen, missing « Skipped x items » and « collapse »

B31 Polish, main screen

“and” is not translated

If you plan to use “more” (at the end) elsewhere, please request a separate string for translation in Polish. There should be a specific Polish word at the end. For now, I simply translated “more” in this specific way. Mostly “more” in Polish means “więcej”, but this case means ''innych".

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B31 Polish

In the screen below, the use of the words Regulamin and Polityka prywatności is ok.


On first screen is wrong (Regulamin i Polityka prywatności):

I have to use a different variety:

Regulamin i Politykę prywatności

I think it needs a second, separate text to translate

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B31 Polish, translated and not included

Missing apostrophes:

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No changes in latest build :frowning: 0.1.90001

Hi, @Tomasz_Czubkowski , could you, please, specify, which ones exactly have not changed?


Dear Ivan. Above you have 3 of my posts, with 11 screens. On each of them are highlighted errors in red squares. None of them have been corrected in the latest release. What more detailed information are you looking for? T.

I confirm same issues with French translation (which is complete in Localizely).

Thank you for the answer, @Tomasz_Czubkowski. I am asking because screenshot #3, #4, #5, #6 are present in the translations database and I see them translated. What needs to be done is the over-the-air update that we are going to do a bit later today. At the moment new releases of the app are not needed to display new translations.

For screenshots #1, #2 we have open tickets.

For screenshot #7 we have a ticket in. Screenshot #8, the problem here is that roles from credits are not available for translations yet. This is, unfortunately the same as in Roon.



Thank you very much. I know everything is translated because I translated it myself. The issue is about changes in the application code. As you know, it is not an art to translate something. You still have to incorporate that translation into the application code. Most of my screens are about that. For all screens. T.

Ok, got it. Thank you for the reply. The over-the-air sync will be completed a bit later today. We’ll notify when it’s done.


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Please notice I need second translate label for “more” on this screen (here is the polish translation should be “innych”:

Because this “more” is different from:

here is the polish translation should be “więcej”

Unfortunately, you use the same label in the code.

The same situation (the same label privacyPolicy):

I have to use a different label:


I need two privacyPolicy labels (for first screen and settings screen)

One termsAndConditions label is OK for me

Summary I need:

more → Więcej (Albums, Singles, More)
more2 → innych (Mix)

privacyPolicy → Politykę prywatności (First screen Roon Arc)
privacyPolicy2 → Polityka prywatności (Settings)

Thanks. T.

Same with French:

  • more → plus
  • and more → et d’autres
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Thanks, @Tomasz_Czubkowski and @alec_eiffel, @oleksandr will take a look and will get it tracked.


Hello @Tomasz_Czubkowski and @alec_eiffel !
Thanks for reporting the issues you have found.
I have reported them to our developers and they will look into them.


Screenshots #4 #5 #6: they are still in English for French and Polish, despite being translated for some days and yesterday’s sync. Something fishy here.

Hi, @alec_eiffel, sorry for that, it looks like the key for these strings was changed. I will bring this up with our dev team again.



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