ML 585.5 won’t connect to Nucleus

My Mac died so I got a Nucleus. I updated the Nucleus and plugged it into the ML 585.5. I have read a few articles on where the 585.5 won’t communicate with the Linux. The nucleus shows no audio device found. Crazy thing happens when I power the ML 585.5 up the HDMI outputs disappear in Roon. When I turn the 585.5 off they show up again.

how are you connecting teh nuclues to the ML585.5?

New USB A to B cable. It was working perfectly before. The more I’ve been looking into the issue it has something to do with the ML585.5.

You might give this a read and see if it helps.

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if you take the risk:

looks like this will be good to have an idea about what you have to do, but contacting harman looks like the right thing to do.

Thanks, I’ll let you know what Mark Levinson says.

Hi @David_Girard,

It sounds like you have some next steps here, I too would suggest you start by checking the firmware and connections. If the firmware/other suggestions do not resolve the issue after checking, just let me know!

Fixed the issue. I was given some bad information from my friendly sales person, which I thought wasn’t correct. After spending much more money I got an Auralic Aires steamer which did the trick. So Nucleus to the Aries to the ML585.5. OMG the sound is amazing now. Thank you all for the help.

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Glad to hear you fixed this issue @David_Girard!

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