Ok, so last night and early this morning I thought to myself, let’s give the new Tag+Focus feature (with Focus being AND now), a road test.
I merrily started tagging my “good” albums as Rock, Classic, Art, Progressive, Country, Jazz, Guitar, Blues, and so on, thinking this could be really nice for combining tags using AND.
Now… testing out after tagging about 100 albums to my taste, it seems Tags are now AND for album sorting and OR for tracks.
Is this correct? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I am missing?
Needless to say, if this is the programmed logic for each and I’m not missing something, then the Tag and Focus feature is not quite right yet. It makes extensive use of tagging with focus pointless until this is fixed; whether you are an advocate of AND or OR.
Note; I have tested this out using Track tagging and Album tagging. Both exhibit the same anomaly.
I have also tried to focus on albums and then pull out the hearted tracks from those albums but can’t seem to do that even if I make a playlist.
Here’s a couple of snaps to illustrate the main problem of AND and OR in albums and tracks views…
Tags… British + Blues for focusing albums gives AND correctly…
And here British+Blues gives me OR , as it includes Allmans (and all others) which is Tagged Blues but not British…