My LOVE/HATE relationship with roon

ya know, i wouldn’t mind roon’s refusal to allow directory/folder access, because, after all, it’s the least elegant way to access my library. however, i think, without the access, there must be a very reliable search function. i find roon’s search function, as it applies to my stored music (and largely as it applies to qobuz, as well), to be, bluntly, unacceptable., especially, but not eXclusively, because of the price of roon.

my LOVE — roon is, by far, the best music playback system, sonically. i would debate that on behalf of roon, vehemently. it does something to the music files that gets that last breath of air out of them - as realistic soundstage as i have ever heard. it retrieves that last bit of information, missed by other playback systems i have eXperienced.

the HATE, tho — the search is so frustrating. finding the correct permutation of which words to enter to find something that i know is there is, too often, an unpleasant wrestling match.

i have played around with all sorts of systems, jriver, aurender, innuos software, bluesound, qobuz streaming, tidal streaming, naim streamers, several cheap and free software downloads, etc., etc., etc. all have two things in common. first, none sound nearly as good as roon (with, perhaps, the eXception of the naim streamers, tho, they are roon ready, and benefit from an adjunct roon nucleus, imo). secondly, all have very accurate, reliable search functions. with all of them, i can enter any single word, or multiple words contained the an album’s metadata, in the album name, artist’s name, song name, composer’s name, etc., and the album/folder i am looking for is reliably found — not so with the roon guessing game.

i have “forgiven” roon, because of its sonic superiority. but i think it’s time for roon to bite the bullet. roon needs to either install a search function equivalent to its (less eXpensive) competitors, or give us folder access (which most competitors do, in addition to having better search functions). roon can’t continue to have it both ways. B.XL.

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If you know how to write it, and if it is in your library, enter it into the filter funnel instead of the search, top right on nearly every page. Finds the exact search term immediately. It’s a “contains” search, so yla will find Dylan, but it does not excuse misspellings.

There are endless other threads about the shortcomings of the global search, misspellings, incorrect spaces, finding the most appropriate hits based on the user’s history, etc. Roonlabs have recently built the necessary infrastructure to improve search, now they can do it, let’s hope it works out

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thanX so much!! B.XL.

ok, i am missing something, anything i type in the funnel search says not found. what am i doing wrong? thanX.

ah, i figured it out. i had to do it from the library settings. thanX again. very good find for the time being.

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now they need to fiX their search so i do not have to specify album title, artist, etc. — just find the stuff like all the other competitors do. they are not off the hook.

No, but they have started to prepare for getting off, just takes more time :slight_smile:

Just to check - what do you mean? The funnel exists and works on most pages:
In My Albums, My Artists, My Tracks (with a filter for every column, and you can configure the columns by clicking the gearwheel icon top right), My Composers, Compositions (again with columns), My Playlists (and within individual playlists, with columns), My Tags. It also works within artist biographies, within album credits, within Bookmarks, after using Search in the search results, and after using Focus. Maybe more places that I forgot

yes. what i was doing wrong — entering funnel choice criteria from the screen of an individual album. had to go to the library section.

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