NAD CI-580 Loss of Zone and Audio Dropout with Roon

Having issues on NAD CI-580 with Roon App losing zones while playing.
Roon App shows music is playing when grouped but no sound. I can Access the zone with blueOS and can get music to play just fine. If I reboot the NAD CI-580 zones seems to come back for 30-45 mins then I loss it again. Again it shows in the Roon app music is playing.

I am have the same issues on 2 different NAD CI-580s in two different locations. Both Sysemts are running current BlueOS versions per App and website. Roon is Nucleus+ is running Version 1.6 (build 416) stable on both systems (Both are running Nucleus+ and NAD CI-580)

I seem to have the dropouts more on analog outputs of the NAD CI-580.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon drops rooms when connecting to NAD CI580