Need guidance on cleaning up Roon library and re-importing files (ref#KHNPWX)

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It is a long standing annoyance: the clean up library function. Before cleaning up the library there is an impossible instruction to perform: "In some cases it might be useful to instruct Roon to forget about the files prior to re-importing them.". How can we know what to re-import of the only clue is the amount of files that will be cleaned? If the names of the artists, albums or files were shown it would be easy. Could you please let me know how I can perform the suggested action?

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Not really relevant here since it is happening on everybody's Roon software.

I’ve moved your post from Support to the Feedback section of the forum, since your question is not one that the Support Team will be able to deal with.

All Feedback posts are read by the Roon Labs team.

The issue is, as you say, longstanding, and there is already a Feature Suggestion request. You should add your vote to it.

Hi @Geoff_Coupe, already voted and contributed to the feedback post. Thought to ask support because Roon itself suggests an action but I don’t know how to perform it. And if Roon doesn’t know either, they shouldn’t make that suggestion.

Clicking on “Clean Up Library” with that option checked will do that.
When re-imported Roon will no longer have any prior knowledge of the files.

In this case, roon is reporting that these files have been deleted from the file system.
Which would have been a manual operation by the user.
If you didn’t keep a record of what folders/files were removed, then I don’t think there is a way to find out (hence the feature request topic).

You could try a library export before and after and them compare them.
However, I don’t know if those 65 files would be listed in export #1 or not, but worth checking to find out.

The files ready to remove are not in the queue for removal because I removed files. This que will be filled with files that are no longer available on the streaming service or were moved to another location. This is explained before library cleanup. I need to know which files will be removed so I can buy them somewhere else or find them again on their new location. Now we know nothing!

I agree, but this is exactly what the existing feature suggestion is about

Thanks for the clarification, streaming tracks not local file … understood.

Unfortunately that’s not possible at present … hence all the Feature Suggestions topics …

Thanks @Carl, just hoping with these occasional stirrups, Roon will finally decide to tackle this issue :wink: Have a nice weekend all! :clinking_glasses:

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