Need help using Roon’s iOS App

Roon Core Machine

Windows 10 core i7
Roon Nucleus

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear Nighthawk R7000 Routee. All Roon endpoints connected to router cia cat6 ethernet.

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

I’m guessing about 600 or more albums, 99% of which are opera and classical.

Description of Issue

Using my iOS App, how do I bring in a new album cover when Roon has chosen none or has chosen the wrong one. I’d like to have access to my Photo Library where I have stored the appropriate album cover image.

From the album’s page, click on the three dots and select edit.

Follow the trail until you get to the menu that lets you specify your own image.

On the iOS app, i.e., on an iPhone, I don’t think you can edit metadata (apart from limited things like tags). On the Android phone I can’t either. For full editing capabilities, you need a tablet or desktop app. This is from the iPad:

Correct, it needs to be done from an iPad, I successfully use an older iPad mini4.
Phones are limited on what they can do although work very well for playback remotes imho

I am using an iPad. I’m familiar with the drill. Click on the 3 dots, select edit, then edit album, then whether I select “edit” or “add image” I get this screen

The problem is that a url doesn’t allow me to progress to bringing in an image.
Why isn’t the app capable of doing the same thing this editor does to bring in the image/screenshot that is in my photo library. It seems so simple! Why not do it?

Ah, yes, true, on tablets you can only use the URL. Choosing a file is only possible in the desktop apps. It’s a silly limitation.

You posted on the relevant feature suggestion thread 2 years ago :slight_smile:

Maybe something can be jury rigged using Gravatar?

Yes I did. I still remember, but it annoys me so much I wanted to bring it up again. I think the App could be improved in lots of ways, that’s just one of them.

I see. Next time please let us know that you are asking a rhetorical question for which you know the answer already, and that you are not really looking for help as the topic title stated, so that I can avoid wasting time making screenshots and searching the forum for you. Thanks :slight_smile:


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