Netgear ORBI Mesh Network Blocking Remote Connections to Nucleus (ref#M04PR2)

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My Mesh Network is Netgear ORBI. It keeps blocking connection attempts to my Nucleus from remote locations: (72) (10) (49)

Are these valid attempts by RoonLabs to communicate with my Nucleus that I should permit?

If yes, could this be contributing to the fact my mobile apps freeze a lot and even rebooting the device does not always solve the problem. (Or are my issues just the general performance issue everyone is dealing with?)

Appreciate an insight.

Your router should block all incoming communication attempts that don’t belong to an established connections (this is the default policy and usually standard). Roon doesn’t need to be accessible from the internet to work properly (exception Roon ARC). These communication attempts are most likely just reported and related to Roon because Roon opens a port for Roon ARC by default (only if your router is configured to allow that though). If your router blocks such attempts then this also means that you may not be able to use ARC. If you don’t want to use Roon ARC disable the listening port in Roon’s configuration. If you think that software/devices in your network shouldn’t just open ports on your router then disable that on your router (search for UPnP and NAT-PMP).

PS: It is unlikely that those reported communication attempts are targeted attacks against Roon. They and many, many, many more happen anyway regardless if you have Roon installed or not. They are just not of interest if no application is listening, so they don’t get reported at all.

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Thanks @BlackJack, this is very helpful and may explain why I can’t get Roon Arc working, even though my settings say everything is fine.

So I “Allowed” the connections, and suddenly Roon Arc works for the first time.

Don’t know if it is cause and effect or just coincidence, It wasn’t working yesterday, but I did not try it before I allowed the connections.

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