New Releases For You - Not Showing Up At All

Here we go again… after days of New Releases being available, this morning the feature is missing again. Today also marks the 3rd morning when Roon put up a message that a database update is required to deal with the new build (783) but that was installed over 3 days ago.

This is not expected behaviour. That, together with the fact that your New Releases has gone missing again (also not expected behaviour), leads me to suggest that you open a Support request in the Support category for the Support team to investigate further. Please provide full details of your setup, as described in this link. Thanks.

The reproduction scenario was provided here

and was confirmed by the Roon team here

So no other information is needed, but the Roon team needs to fix this bug.

Hi Geoff - yup, did that a while ago, still keeps happening. There are lots of these little bugs creating havoc in the ‘improved’ v1.8 - sarcasm intended. Sorry, just getting frustrated by so many fundamental functionality that was working just fine in v1.7 that seems to have gone awry in 1.8. And today, new releases are there. Really is a mystery. Only seems to occur on my Core machine - any iPhone/iPad remotes, the new releases are there even if not on the Core.

Same here - missing new releases section.

I would hardly call this issue ‘resolved’ - NRFY was missing just 2 days ago (for 2 days) then reappeared. It’s a completely random bug as far as I can tell, so hopefully this thread isn’t closed before the issue is truly fixed.

Yeah, definitely not resolved. Just did the update for build 790 and New Releases is missing again.

Just to clarify here:

There was an issue that was resolved that was preventing NRFY from updating to newer content. That was originally in a different thread but got merged here. Apologies for the confusion!

This is correct. If there is nothing to display, this section will not appear.

Let me try to understand this: New Releases will not appear ‘if there is nothing to show’ ?!? Based on what criteria? Considering my tastes range across at least 10 genres, how would Roon determine (decide?) that ‘oh well there is nothing new that would be of interest to him?’
How does Roon determine if I’ve even looked at anything in the NRFY listing? As New Releases (at least from my perspective) is a ‘key’ feature in new music discovery , why that would ever be omitted is a mystery.

and again today - NRFY doesn’t show up on the home page. Tried rebooting Roon a couple times, no success. Will probably have to reboot the MacMini or maybe the whole network. This is NOT a problem that should be happening - never had it happen in 1.7 - so when is this going to be fixed? And what else is this little bug creating for issues elsewhere in the layout/chain/display? And again, this only occurs on the MacMini desktop (core), not on any of the iPhone/Ipads used as remotes.

Still a problem today. The NRFY section was visible for several days but after a reboot this morning to get the ‘recent listening’ section to show actual time (not zero), the NRFY section disappeared again. As before, this is only on the MacMini desktop (2012 i7 version) - NRFY is still visible on both iPhone and iPad remotes.

7 posts were split to a new topic: New Releases For You missing