Roon can’t find the music files, can’t find the audio devices (Aries, Sonos ) can’t find quobuz, before everything works properly, till now I tried for hours to fix it, now I am really angry. I am not an IT expert, so I can’t answer your specific questions, I’m very close to quit all that.
Networking Gear & Setup Details
speedport smart 3
Connected Audio Devices
aries mini, sonos
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
the whole program is the problem, because nothing works!!!
Hey Ben, thanks for answering, tried your recommendations, no chance, there is no old Roon anymore, because I reloaded it so many times, deleted, reinstall, and so on, the core is on but can’t find anything, no music files, no audio devices (auralic mini, Sonos), no Qobuz. I am really frustrated, just wanna listen to music,
Are you saying here that you’re not able to find your Roon database location, in order to update the folder name? Or, are you saying that you’ve done this just now, and refreshing your database did not help?
If possible, can you provide more detail into your step-by-step process? With your core being on a MacBook pro, are you able to open roon and navigate around the app itself?
When you’ve deleted Roon in the past, did you also remove all Roon folders on your MacBook as well as the app icon itself? There is more you’ll need to do in order to fully uninstall/remove Roon and perform a full fresh install. Here is more info on this: