NUC11PAHi7 Good choice?

Looking to upgrade my aging NUC. This one is available for a reasonable price.

Does it fully work with ROCK? Do I need to update the BIOS? I could not find an update; so confusing!

Finally, once I build it, do I restore a backup?

Proposed configuration


The NUC11PAHi7 is fully supported by Roon for use with ROCK. See:

The NUC11PAHi7 appears near the bottom of the list.

I have a NUC11TNHi7 which I use with ROCK and have found to be excellent - but I don’t have a large library.

The processor in the my NUC is the same as the one in the NUC11PAHi7 - so all should be good.

Other than the difference in the NUC model (PAH vx TNH) which is probably insignificant, the components that you have specified in the amazon screenshot are identical to those that I use - so I guess I have to say that they are a good choice.

The NUC11PAHi7 would accomodate a SATA SSD or HDD for library storage if you wished - either now or in the future. I installed a 1TB SATA SSD (SDD because the NUC is located in my lounge so I did not want any noise from a mechanical hard disk - for this application there is no performance benefit from an SSD).

I was checking out the NUC11PAHi7 in the past week and it is the one I would pick to replace my NUC8I7BEH if I needed to. Single core speed is 2.8. Was actually thinking of getting one now so its available when I need it.

Check out this post from @David_Snyder as he built one recently.

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Thanks. I have about 5000 albums and growing. I’d like a robust system. Sounds like this would do the trick.

Mike, do you know where the bios file can be found? Thanks !

Here is a link to another Roon post that references that question. One reply in that post indicated an update was not necessary. I didn’t read the entire post for verification. .

You are unlikely to need to update the BIOS - that part of the ROCK install instructions pertained more to the older NUC generations.

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If by aging you mean, dying or ready to die, then go ahead. Otherwise, I’d wait for the announcement of an updated ROCK compatibility list that will hopefully list new non-Intel based NUCs. I have fingers crossed that it will include the Asus Gen 14 Pro+ which look awesome in aluminum.

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Dan, again, thanks. It’s in good enough health so maybe waiting is a good idea.