Thanks Wes, do I copy the cache folder or delete it? It won’t let me move the contents?
if I need to do the more involved route…do I also read “Nuc” as Nucleus in the link you provided? Would I need to hook a monitor and keyboard up to my Nucleus to do the F10 reboot bit in Step 5?
Could I not just reset Roon Database and Settings on the the administration page?
The instructions definitely do require a keyboard and monitor attached. Starting from step 3, you disregard the NUC terminology. We don’t have a way to re-install Nucleus so we have flash it as though it’s an Intel NUC (ROCK) and then flag your account to update it back to Nucleus.
Yes you can! It will wipe your database and would be a far less involved step assuming you’re ok with the data loss.
I have my Database stored on an external hard drive. If I did the database reset could I add the data back manually or would I need to start from scratch? Would my music files (ripped CDs) stored on the Nucleus hard drive be recognised after a reset?
What is the difference between the database reset and the longer method you described.
As long as you have a recent backup, the only things you would lose in the process of a database reset are the changes you have made since your last backup.
If you manage to get things working and restore the backup only to find the issue has returned, we’ll know it’s database related.
Give that a shot if you can. I will review logging with others tomorrow to see if there’s a more significant issue.
Ok, so I just did a data base reset via the administration page and the good news is that the nucleus now gets passed the initialialzing stage and prompts me to connect…however when I try to log in I get a “Your already signed in” message as per screen shot…
I’m up and Rooning Again. My music files are back and most of my playlists have imported back via Tidal so I’ve only lost a few tags/playlists and history by doing the data base re-set so no great shakes. It’s still a bit of mystery as to what happened but at least it’s working again.