Is there a specific error message you see? If so, please select from the following options:
· Other
Please try to reboot your Roon Server and check to see if this helps.
· Rebooting my Server had no effect, the issue remains
Please try to reboot and unplug/replug in your affected audio device and check to see if this helps.
· Rebooting and unplugging/replugging my audio device, the issue remains
Please open your Roon Remote and select the "System Output" Zone and try to play to it. Do you encounter any playback errors with this Zone?
· I don't have a System Output available, but I'd like to keep troubleshooting
Please try fully rebooting your network equipment
· No, I'm still having trouble
An issue with playback on System Output and another zone often indicates a network security problem. *Check your firewall(s)* to ensure that *Roon*, *RoonServer *and *RAATServer* are allowed to properly communicate
· I'm still having problems / This isn't relevant to me
Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?
· Both local and streaming content are affected
Please try playing content of a lower sample rate (44.1kHz or 48kHz). Do you still have the same issue?
· No, lower sample rates are still affected
What is the model/manufacturer of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?
· NAD T787, HDMI. Using a 2ft high quality HDMI cable. I have tried other cables, but it does not make a difference.
Describe the issue
Nucleus One - no HDMI. I just received my Nucleus One (as a replacement for a NUC that I have been using for several years). All zones work fine except my main music room, which is a direct HDMI connection to my NAD T787 amp.
I can play to the NAD over BluOS, but that does not support multichannel. The amp is not detecting any HDMI output from the Nucleus - the 'DIGITAL' display on the NAD just flashes rather than locking on. My previous NUC worked fine over HDMI and could play multichannel and stereo files at up to 192KHz/24bit.
Describe your network setup
5Gb (internet) network, Zyxel 10Gb router - the network is not the issue, just the direct HDMI connection to the NAD T787 AV Amp.
Does that issue only affect TITAN users though? I have been using HDMI with ROCK on my NUC for years with no problems, even on the most demanding hi-res multichannel files.
The Nucleus One specs do specifically mention multichannel HDMI, which is why I bought it…
Product Specifications
HDMI (stereo and multi-channel audio)
My assumption was that the HDMI troubles that affected the Titan would affect similar machines of the same generation (i.e. also the One) but on further scrutiny i might be wrong.
Anyways, you could join the Early Access-program for RoonOS to try if it solves your issue?
A fair assumption to make! In this case, the HDMI issues were isolated to the Titan models and not the Nucleus One.
With this, we’d like to investigate a set of Roon Server logs from your Nucleus @Virtuoso, but we’re not seeing the device active on our server. Could you please reproduce the issue, share the name of the track you attempted to play, and then use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?
Additionally, could you share a screenshot of the webUI from your Nucleus? Here’s more info:
Done - I have uploaded the requested logs and screenshot.
To rule out any cable/input issues, I have tried plugging the Nucleus HDMI into the input currently used by my Apple TV, using the Apple TV HDMI cable with the same result - the amp does not seem to be receiving any HDMI signal from the Nucleus. Plugging the Apple TV back in, it immediately handshakes and works fine.
I also plugged the Nucleus straight into the TV bypassing the AV Amp. The TV also does not seem to be receiving an HDMI signal from the Nucleus.
Unless there’s a setting somewhere on the Nucleus that I have missed, it looks like the HDMI output is non-functional.
Thank you for the feedback! Could you please update your Nucleus to the latest production build and let me know if you are still having issues? I believe the update has a fix implemented that should help.