Nucleus Titan Crashing repeatedly

Roon Server Machine

Nucleus Titan Software Version 2.1 (build 271)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet hardwired

Connected Audio Devices


Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Just got my new Titan today - upgraded from Nucleus+.
I had this issue intermittently on my N+ but it is happening every time with the new Titan.
When I am in the “Album” section and I choose to sort “By Date Added” the visible thumbnails are not complete and then the Titan Server Software crashes and restarts.

What’s happening - I assumed the firepower in the Titan would solve this issue but it appears to be far worse.


Hi there!

Since you are up and runnin’ already i suppose you have restored a backup from your Nucleus+.
Where is your media located?
And, more significantly, has identification and analysis finished successfully?
And of course, you have restrted the controller since switching from the Nuc+?

“visible thumbnails not complete”??? Can you grab a screenshot before the crash?

Hey there. Thanks for the quick response.
I did restore from N+ backup which went fine. My media is on a Synology NAS.
All analysis is done and oddly enough the issue doesn’t seem to happen if the “album view” is alphabetical. The thumbnails blacked out are also not consistent.
When this happened on the N+ it was usually due to a scroll…

I have it up now but will see if I get a screen grab on the next one.

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Reboot your router, then the Nucleus and Roon controller device. Maybe reinstall Roon on the controller.

Hey @Wayne_Carter,

Thanks for taking the time to write in and share your report! It’s good to see you on the community again, although I apologize its an issue that prompted your recent post.

How many tracks within your library are unidentified?

If possible, could you please reproduce the issue and share a more specific date, time, and track playing at the time of the crash?

From there, we’ll enable diagnostics on your new Nucleus to take a closer look.

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Hi - here are a couple of pics.
This is happening quite consistently. I find if I scroll any faster than a line or two per it will crash.


I have a little trouble identifying your controller, and the software behind it?
Even if Benjamin here is better suited to support, i think he’d appreciate the extra info also!

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I am on a Mac Mini M1 - Sequoia 15.0.1
All of my devices are Ethernet hardwired to the same network which is 1.5 GB/FibreOp service.

My library is 269k+ tracks in both Apple Lossless and FLAC formats.


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And one final question, are you certain it’s the Nucleus Titan that crashes? It might as well be the Roon client on the MacMini. Can you access the Titan from your iPhone/iPad when the Mac client has “crashed”?

Edit: There are numerous report of issues with Sequoia btw:

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I had this issue with my Nucleus+ as well long before Sequoia - I was hoping that the move up to the Titan with its processing power might solve it.

I have had the crash happen whilst using iPad and iPhone as well.
Only the Roon Server software restarts.

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An update…I may have found the problem. I had some corrupted files in my library that may have been causing the issue. I have eliminated them and things seem to be running better.

Love the Titan! What a beautiful piece of audio gear.

It might be good to keep these files and provide them to Roon Labs. Arguably it shouldn’t crash but handle the corruption more gracefully

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Unfortunately I trashed the evil things without thinking about your suggestion. Duly noted for future but hopefully I am past this annoying issue.

Damn…just had it happen again. Scrolling and thumbnails load scattered then the crash.

Update - as I scroll down through library it will get to a point again where several or all thumbnails are grey and then the Roon Server Software crashes. Has happened 4 times this morning.

Hello Wayne,

I just ran into your thread, so I wanted to report that the same thing is happening to me with my brand new Roon Nucleus One: Nucleus One crashing while browsing library (ref#6OM8VT)

I have a Titan that I like very much. Unfortunately, the Titan has its limits in terms of the size of the library it can handle without crashing. I have learned to restart the Server each day before listening. This has helped to avoid crashes as long as I’m conservative with my scrolling.

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Sorry, I deleted my last reply in error;

How big is your library?
Daily restarts and limiting scrolling indicate something is very wrong.

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The library has 208,000 tracks and 15,500 albums.

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A Titan should normally handle this with ease


I am at 265,383 tracks/20,327 albums and agree Titan should be able to manage with ease. I had this issue with my Nucleus+ as well although for me it seemed to com and go with various software versions. This stuff is so very hard to provide backup on…. I have been a Roon user for years and stability has never been its strong suit for me. Thought the Titan would solve the issue but it might be actually worse.

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