Paid Subscription To Tidal, Qobuz, Both, or Neither

Are you saying that you prefer MQA files over Hi-Res files?

Please. Let’s not go there.



Tidal since 2016 October.

Qobuz Studio here, that is all what I need. Always available, with more music that I can listen to.

I will definitely support them, and hope they won’t go out of business. Certainly not an easy business model to provide hi-res music to a relatively limited market (let’s face it, we are weirdos against the mainstream Spotify users).

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Pretty sure I’m a niche case - Qobuz Hi-Fi Sublime+ subscription. Trialed both Tidal and Qobuz (beta) for a bit; then went with Qobuz Sublime+ mainly because I do like owning Hi-Res files (mainly jazz and some classical) and the purchase discounts offered under this subscription are substantial (30%-50%). I easily save enough money via discounts to justify the subscription cost. Catalogue is substantial and adequate for my purposes. I do also have an apple music family subscription for everyone else in the house. Qobuz mobile app is OK, but there again I’m mainly listening to device downloaded “OFFLINE LIBRARY” from the service since I commute by ferry and have poor carrier service on the water.

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None. Had both. But to me it is as an all you can eat restaurant. The more you eat, the less you really taste it.


Tidal (hifi) with MQA unfold in NUC (also tried Meridian Explorer2).
Trialled Qobuz, but didn’t seem worth the extra.

Except they have now lowered their price. And if you pay for a full year, it’s $12.50 per month.

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I subscribe to both…

I also subscribe to amazon prime… which I find to be better the tidal and Qobuz combined interns of selection and variety…

Except Amazon HD does not work with Roon. Neither does Deezer.

Both and Apple Music

Qobuz only. Cancelled Tidal.

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Qobuz. I dont have to worry about limited device compatibility with MQA and Qobuz dropped the price this year. Add Roon on top, its bliss. I dont see the point of MQA. If limited bandwidths is a concern, download your music while on wifi for offline play…easy peasy.

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I’m going to be tempted to drop Tidal when my six months paid subscription runs out. I really like it, but don’t need both Tidal and Qobuz since almost all my library is available on both.

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Both, at present.

Current subscription Qobuz (annual) Hi-res

Ok, well I’m back to roon+qobuz. Amazon windows desktop app stopped working. Their artist “station” feature is pretty nice, but roon radio is close enough. Roon+qobuz UI and local library integration works way better and sounds better, too.

Had a subscription to Tidal. Now have a subscription to Qobuz after canceling Tidal