Please report station errors here

Hi - does anyone know what happened to the 93XRT radio stream? It’s been working for months but no longer as of a few days ago:


Hello @timmo, I’m getting odd results from that stream. I’ll explore, but in the meantime I’ve added a couple of streams directly which that .pls stream references. Seems OK now. (US only)

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Thanks so much, @BrianW ! Seems to be working now. Much appreciated.

8Radio FM Ireland is unable to play

Hello @John_Harrold, yes, that stream’s no good. I’ve found another but quality seems to have dropped. I’ll investigate further but in the meantime you should be back up.

It’s playing now. Thanks for the fast response Brian!

The location of Deutschlandfunk is “Köln” and not “Köll”
Please correct it.

A post was split to a new topic: Please add “Deutschlandfunk Nova” to your list

Ahh, firstly, for consistency, we try to use English spellings for locations, so it should be Cologne.
Secondly, the geolocation was wrong and we had it somewhere in Kazachstan. I’ve moved it back.

Thank you and sorry at the same time.

Hello, I’d like to report a bad URL for the McIntosh Music station. Roon currently lists two streams: 320kbps(default) and 96kbps. The 320 stream is incorrectly broadcasting at 96 and I finally figured out the correct URL. Please update the 320 URL as follows:



This link is working for me right now in VLC and confirm FLAC quality. However, in the Roon station I only see options for MP3 (320, 128 and 64). When I enter the flac URL directly in Roon, it auto-populates the existing station without option for FLAC.

Yes, I can confirm it’s now working again. Let’s hope they’ve fixed it for good this time.

It’s back on Roon now.

Thank you @sonicflux. I’ve updated the 320k stream with your url (and added another). I don’t know how the original bad url got added - it was in a form we don’t usually use.


Thanks, Brian. You’re awesome :slight_smile:

Internet radio not connecting 99.5 classical MPR.

Hmm, that link no longer works. I’ve added two new ones. Try those.


Jazzy Hungary Budapest radio stream changed to


Hello @Gonda_Gabor, is this 90.9 Jazzy Radio?
Because while I agree the current stream is dead, the stream you have provided doesn’t match
Jazzy, Jazzysoul, Jazzycool or Jazzygroove!

Which one should it be? I need to sort these stations out…

Added all four Jazzy stations. They all use similar addresses but different port numbers: 9500, 9510, 9520 and 9530. Your 9522 is currently same as 9520, i.e Jazzy Soul.

Hello @BrianW, thank yo for your support!