Please update the "File Tag Best Practice" document

For example, ORCHESTRA (Build 208), LIVE, RECORDINGDATE, LOCATION (Build 234), MEDIATYPE (Roon 1.5) , ROONRADIOBAN (Build 354) etc.

What other tags can I use?
Please modify the document!

The link for the third image is broken and not displayed.


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Hi @currycooqoo,

I’ve updated the broken image. Regarding other supported tags, I will speak with the team and look into updating the article further.

Thanks for the feedback, it’s much appreciated!

@dylan, was this ever done - I don’t see any reference to LIVE as a tag?

We really need a single point of reference clearly setting out what tags Roon supports and acts on when encountered in file based metadata.

I’d be more than happy to write it up if someone at Roon could provide me with a comprehensive list.


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