Polish language in Translations!

Please add possibility to improve polish language in Translations.

I second that.

Hey @Tomasz_Nazimek @maciekb

We’re talking about adding Polish translations for a future release, but adding it to the system would just be the first step – we really need a Polish speaking “admin” to own the project.

We have a handful of trusted people (generally one per language) that we give “admin” privileges to. These users can perform editorial tasks like deleting bad translations but, more importantly, they can edit the language notes and the “common words” list.

For example, look at this translation in Dutch.You’ll notice some instructions at the top in Dutch, specific to the Dutch language (formality, 2nd person, capitalization rules, compactness, etc…)

Those notes also appear on the root Dutch page and these instructions would normally be edited only by a Dutch-speaking admin.

Since users will come in and add translations and vote on which translations are best, these notes and common words are really important for high quality, consistent translations… and unfortunately we can’t do this ourselves, because we don’t speak Polish :slight_smile:

So what I really need here is someone to “own” this project, and then we can add Polish and kick this off. If you’re interested, drop me a PM.

Thanks all! :poland:

Translation is all done. Some Polish forum members naszeaudio.pl will be checking the quality of it to improve it even further. So we hope for Polish speaking fellows Polish language option in Roon will arrive ASAP.

Thanks all in advance! :poland:

we will get it into the app in the next build!

this is an ongoing project as new translations will be needed with each update, but the massive effort is finished!


PS: something is wrong with translation Polish tab. I get error when hit “Help now on a translation” button.

that just means there arent any for you to do … try clicking ‘see all translations’

Is something going on in the subject of translations or has the project died?

There are several translation errors in the latest version.

@MrSalieri – you may vote and contribute to the Polish translation here: https://translations.roonlabs.net/

It’s a group effort, so while 1 person may have submitted what they thought was best, others can submit more and up/down vote existing translations.

This system leads to improvements in the translations over time.

Such translations are not appropriate.
These are single sentences sometimes taken out of a wider context.
I think that you should commission a comprehensive translation instead of translating single words or sentences using users who, when paying for a license, want to have the correct translation since they have such a choice.

I decided to review and correct all Polish translations. I will try to verify most of them with screens, correct typos or other errors. I have about 25% ready now (850 translations). Unfortunately I do not know what the procedure is for approving changes (for some translations I vote for the earlier correct one, for others I translate from scratch), but I pay a lot of attention to the consistency of the translation. I care about full approval, because if you do a mix in the translations it will be even worse messy. I’ll let you know when I’m done. I emphasize that my work is fully based on the previous translation (I’m very grateful for it), but you know that the Polish translation requires version 2. I do not promise that everything will be perfect, but I expect a big progress. Tomek.


Dear Roon Team

In Polish translation (in English and German it is ok). On the main page is not added correctly end of the minutes. Give the abbreviation of the first day of the week in Poland (Monday - pon). This is probably not related to the translation but software bug. Of course I put the translation again, but I would not like such a big mistake on the main page.

Thank you
Best regards. Tom.

@brian2 – can you look at this?

This is the translation page for this string: https://translations.roonlabs.net/lang/polish/7c82c275565e53c25c12a941ca32dd41

I added some clarification for that string because it was not clear if it was referring to “minutes” or “monday”.

There is also an uppercase “M” which does refer to Monday but that one seems to be translated correctly: https://translations.roonlabs.net/lang/polish/57b2b61ac59731540050f9bce8930f01

Thanks for pointing this out!

I checked it and fixed, thank you.

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I made a translation mistake in the latest version (already corrected):


but by my accident probably I detected a bug affecting all versions. I will attach screenshots from English version.

In my opinion, in the main menu:

The main menu should be Live Radio (not My Live Radio)

and the main screen title should be My Live Radio (this is ok now)

This is the convention you use for menu items. Am I wrong?

Regards. Tom.

the “my live radio” is there to emphasize the difference between the “browse → live radio” vs the “my library → my live radio” pages

Albums (Menu), My Albums (Screen)
Artists, My Artists
Tracks, My Tracks
Composers, My Composers
Compositions, My Compositions
My Live Radio, My Live Radio

If this is a conscious decision and not a bug, then I have no further questions on this topic.