Prefer Qobuz over Tidal (or local, or vice-versa) as Preference [implemented in build 987]

Please implement this functionality!


Also, could you add a user selectable hierarchy for for both sources and quality.
Such as: I prefer my own music, but if it is low quality compared to subscriptions. Use those. Then select highest quality of from both Qobuz & Tidal, but if same quality use Qobuz.
Or whatever user hierarchy selected. I have some old music that is not great quality, but do not want Roon to use as long as I have a active music subscription.
You could even add that fancy route selection button you have for music conversions.

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Seriously?! Plus 1…. Plus 1,000,000
Why is this not an easily available thing? I can’t even select Tidal or Qobuz via my Roon iOS app which controls the laptop.
This is a real problem.
Especially when you’re using a DAC that prefers a certain bit/hz level so it doesn’t downsample or upsample and you fudge the path.

But really please explain why this is a thing. For their type of audience it’s pretty much a non negotiable feature.


Please, I need the function!

I’m reading “+1” posts in this thread. They don’t sway things.

If you want to add your vote - click the Vote button at the top of the thread - that’s what counts as a vote…


Hello, is this feature even on the road map at this point? Honestly if feels like this should be a baseline feature.


It would be fantastic to know if this request is on the roadmap.

It’s disappointing every time Radio plays the lowest resolution.

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Also Roon radio picks 90% from Tidal.

So agree a preference management between Tidal, Qobuz and local files should be a basic functionality.


On a second thought, I think we will ever see this feature as I am pretty sure Roon and Tidal have some a contract that Roon gets a fee when suggesting a song in radio or searching for a song, at least that’s what I would do if I where Tidal or Roon. :wink:

I voted anyway.

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No one has ever mentioned that… i don’t think Roon gets compensated on the number of Tidal plays, but I am just guessing!

Would you mention something like this, if you don’t have to? :wink:

Added my vote. Why would anyone want to listen to MQA when Qobuz has the original high-res file on tap? On my home system I’ve only got a Qobuz account (and too bad if I can’t find an album) but for demos it’s not really an option because people will be asking for tracks that are only on Tidal. Means that I’m often wasting quite some time clicking through to the Qobuz version. These days I can’t stop myself simply telling the audience “please wait while I go look for a version that hasn’t been mangled by MQA”. Judging by the laughs MQA is on its last legs.


Added my vote. I much prefer Qobuz and only want to use Tidal for tracks that aren’t available on Qobuz.


I think this is a very common use case for many

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What would be of added value to me is to have the ability to set the preference of the streams from streaming services.

I use both Tidal and Qobuz and I have a strong preference for the Qobuz streams. Actually, I only want to use Tidal when something is not available on Qobuz. Besides that, I’m not really a fan of MQA, so I’d like to rule that out as much as possible.

That’s why it would be useful for me if I could specify a services along with a stream preference in the settings. For example, in an order, something like this:

  1. Qubuz HiRes
  2. Qobuz others
  3. Tidal without MQA
  4. Others


Any chance of adding these 2 threads to give a better count of votes.

I’ve voted in each so this would have to be taken into account.



adding my vote, in order of preference:

  1. anything MQA (24 bit or 16 bit)
  2. Local 24 bit
  3. Qobuz 24 bit
  4. local 16 bit
  5. Tidal/Qobuz 16 bit

I think these very different preferences show why we would need user configuration. I am much more in the camp of @Peter_Struyk here but @woodford has equally valid opinions and reasons for his system. Let’s definitely add these two threads together and see if there’s any interest.

(As a side note, I have a slight premonition that this change may require solving the library/non-library conundrum or a related piece of back-end work as a pre-condition, but that is blatant speculation and i don’t know any more than any of you about what it would take, so just test this as me saying I can imagine this might be a lot more work than we imagine at first).


Thanks for this @Johnny_Ooooops .

Just to not stir up any MQA discussions, I just gave an example to benefit my set (Chord MScaler / DAVE), but I can imagine that other sets benefit from other settings. It would just be great for us ROON users to be able to pre select our preferences in the setup, rather than selecting this every time we start another track.

@Geoff_Coupe :