Problem with logging in to a new account in the roon app

Podczas logowanie do aplikacji Roon dla Windows 10 pojawia się komunikat
Niespodziewany błąd: UnexpectedError.
Na stronie z płatnościami loguje się bez problemu.
Proszę o poradę.

A message appears when logging into the Roon app for Windows 10
Unexpected Error: UnexpectedError.
Login to the payment page is no problem.
Please advise.

I assume you won’t have got too far setting up Roon yet, it’s worth uninstalling & reinstalling the core & trying again.

Niestety po reinstalacji komunikat jest ten sam.
Co oznacza zainstalować rdzeń? Jakim programem?
Chcę używać Roon na urządzeniu PC Windows 10
oraz Naim Uniti Atom.

Unfortunately, after reinstallation, the message is the same.
What does it mean to install the core? With what program?
I want to use Roon on a Windows 10 PC device
And Naim Uniti Atom.

Reinstall the Core means “reinstall the software on the device you are using as your core (computer)” which you’ve already done. So you need to wait for @support to get in contact with you to help.

@moderators this thread has not been solved.

A post was split to a new topic: New account - Both Roon App or Roon ARC report Unexpected Error

Hey @Marek_Kollbek,

Thanks for letting us know! We’re not able to connect to your core to review diagnostics, could you please reproduce the issue and use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?


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