QNAP - Not Showing Local Folders Anymore [See Staff Post - Fix is released]

Which bug? I’m not aware of any bug regarding inotfy on Linux systems. I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t work if prerequisites are met – even over SMB.

Oh was referring to the general bug/thread here.

AFAIK there is an ongoing investigation. No details/reasons are known so far.


All very useful information . Thank you for that. I was not so clear on the first post. When I first set up my core and imported my library into it, it worked flawlessly and if I added a file or folder on the core it instantly triggered Roon to update. With a network folder it did not but you are saying there is a four hour interval. Can I shorten that? I did a force rescan and it was actually quick.

My NAS is 6 years old but has 4 new drives but you are right I doubt it has much memory. Would it benefit me to put the Roon data base on a SSD drive connected to my NAS?

I understand your statement about large libraries.

Roon reports 86078 tracks

Besides those issues I was dealing with compatibility issues with my Bluesound Node, Roon and audio dropouts. I use a different DAC, Schiit and it was using usb out of the node. That caused issues. I read to use a different out. I chose optical and that fixed it for now.

Oh the joy. Thank you for your help!!!

The bluesound was purchased because I liked the Roon interface and my streamer would only use airplay with it. Node was said to be Roon ready.

Needless to say it was a lot of new elements at one time.

Please read the documentation to learn more about caveats and pitfalls when running Roon on an underpowered Core:

I personally don’t think that an SSD for Roon’s database will solve all your issues. Even additionally adding more RAM, if that is even supported by your model, may not solve all the issues. There is still the under-specced CPU with only 2 processing cores that has to run all the NAS processes too besides Roon.

The usual default value for max_user_watches is 8192 – so more than ten times less than your current library size. Please check. Please also check the RAM utilization on your NAS – your NAS may already need to swap memory to the HDD’s.

I got that, but as it looks like, you can’t go back to that setup because of the current issue described in this thread. Speculation: Using local folders, it may work without changing max_user_watches because Roon runs as user root who may not be bound by that limitation. Using a network share instead, the built-in samba software is responsible for initiating the real-time watching and this software probably doesn’t run as user root.

Go into Settings|Storage and click on the three dots at the right side behind your storage configuration to bring-up a menu with available options. Choose “Edit” there and look at the options available.
Sorry that I can’t be more precise, but I don’t have the issue discussed in this thread with my NAS and configuration so I still use a local folder which doesn’t have the same options available as a network share.

Good to hear but unrelated to your Core AFAIK.


You may have a look at this thread.

Nice weekend

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Thank You will do.

Ok, Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions and to point me towards insightful information. Did more homework last night. My NAS has 8GB of Memory and 4 cores. So that should cover me? (for now). The CPU is Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900 up to 1993 MHZ.

I read the links you sent. The big suggestion was to keep the Roon database on an SSD not a spinning disk so I am going to do that tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

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The minimum CPU is listed as an Intel i3.

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I ran into this issue (Roon not showing local folders) a couple weeks ago after it working flawlessly for years.

There were 2 changes made to my NAS at the time it stopped working.

  1. upgrade to a new NAS OS. Just a patch update, not the major update from 4.x to 5.x
  2. I added a new share to the data volume that held my Roon DB.

I removed the new share on the data volume in an attempt to revert the change, but that didn’t help. I’m still fairly confident that adding the new share is what triggered the issue, and it’s a weird interaction at the QNAP OS level.

Hopefully this will help with troubleshooting.

My setup:
Music Library: HDD based data volume
RoonDB: SSD based data volume

Does anyone know if the Roon DB needs to be shared? I just noticed that it’s in my shared folder list, and I can’t remember if it’s the default, or if it got changed when I added a new share on the SDD volume. If it’s not necessary, I may experiment with removing all shares from the SSD volume and seeing if that may help.

Could you please let us know the progress on this issue?


Hello All,

We realize it has been some time since you have heard from us, but there has been quite a lot of work regarding this issue happening in the background.

I wanted to touch base with some good news, which is that after a lengthy investigation, we have finally had a breakthrough earlier this week in understanding the issue, what is causing it, and how to resolve it.

The fix for this issue is set to go out to Early Access testers the week of December 19th, and then to the production RoonServer release following the winter holidays.

For those impacted by this issue, please keep an eye out for the earlyaccess release coming up and let us know if it solves the issue on your end. You can freely join the earlyaccess program by following this guide: https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/articles/roon-early-access-program

We have also been working with @crieke , and have discovered a manual fix for this issue, but the fix involves editing the RoonServer startup script and is technically involved, so I will let Chris explain the manual fix in a comment below.

This issue has been discussed internally on a weekly basis for some time, and we apologize for the lengthy investigation that it took until the root cause of the issue was located, this issue was tricky to nail down.

Please, stay tuned for the next earlyaccess RoonServer release or Chris’ workaround which will be mentioned below. Thank you!


Thanks @noris @crieke and team for this positive update. All users who suffered from that bug that long will very much appreciate the fix - and I am sure many will test and contribute in the earlyaccess build.


Thank you very much @noris @crieke and everyone who helped to bring this issue to a close.

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It seems the issue only occurs if the HOME variable is unset. I had this issue on one of my QNAP devices and once the Roon team had figured out the circumstance of no music files in the library, I was able overcome the issue by declaring the HOME variable in the RoonServer.sh script by adding the line to the RoonServer.sh script:

export HOME="/root"

It won’t be required anymore, when the bug in Roon Server has been addressed, so I won’t supply an update to the QNAP App Center.
(However there will still be an update available soon, which addresses handling of temporary folders. It will not have this line included!)

I’ve just prepared an interim build (click to Download), which is based on the upcoming App Center release and added the above fix. It is dated one day earlier (compared to the upcoming App Center version), so you can easily switch back to the regular release, when the bugfix has been included in Roon Server itself and the mentioned update of Roon Server is available at the App Center by clicking the “Update” button in the App Center.

I have also updated the Legacy 1.8 Installer for Roon Server, as I have no info, if this build will get an update anytime soon. It can be downloaded from the roononnas.org website.


Thanks for the detailed description @crieke. Just one thing to assure: there is no connection to the CPU used (which also was shown by the bug reports of users ranging from somewhat underpowered to high performance ones). Only mentioning here as there was a rumor once this might be related to the CPU used (@noris)

The cpu issue might be related to the tmp folder, for which I’ve already sent an update to qnap and which is already included in the interim build above.

I’m sorry to say that the interim build didn’t help.

The beginning was promising as all files were quickly scanned but after Qnap restart I lost all the local files from my library. Only Tidal/Qobuz albums are left now.

I’ve sent a private message to you for further investigation.

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After manual modification of RoonServer.sh it works perfectly :slight_smile:

Thanks @crieke for support (and great Qnap package first of all) !!!