Qobuz albums disappeared and tracks vanished from playlist

Roon Core Machine

Mac Pro Mac OS 11.5.1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ubiquity dream machine

Connected Audio Devices

Holo Audio May DAC via USB from ropieee raspi4

Library Size

5000+ from Qobuz and local albums

Description of Issue

Qobuz albums disappeared from my Roon library and tracks are gone from playlist instead of showing as unavailable.

All the artists, albums, and playlist that I painstakingly curated are missing lots of albums and tracks. This is a huge loss of my time. And no amount of time will ever be able to help me remember what songs were in which playlists. :sob:

This is under investigation. Can you please fill out the form that @dylan refers to in his message. He will follow up with you directly. Thanks.