Qobuz albums issues, even 72 hours after fix

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My Roon library has suddenly been mysteriously populated by tons of albums that I never added, which look to outnumber the actual albums in my library. I use Qobuz via Roon (by way of Nucleus+), but checked Qobuz and my library there is correct. So the problem is not with Q but with Roon. Thanks! P.S. Roon has been sluggish lately while I'm at it.

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Nucleus+ with my iMac as an endpoint. The unwanted albums are showing up on my iMac as well as my other devices.

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There seems to be a problem with favorited/added albums in Qobuz. Roon suddenly shows a whole lot of seemingly random albums added to my collection via Qobuz, not reflected in the Qobuz app.

Have Qobuz made a change to their album ID numbering in their database, or is there a parsing/translation issue?

I tried removing the Qobuz account, restarting and re-adding it, and that makes other random albums appear as recently added.

Describe your network setup

Roon server 2.47 build 1510 running on Synology DS920+, hardwired to Google Home router. MacBook Air client, wireless.

I have the same problem. My Qobuz albums all disappeared and I have terrible melody rock albums in my library. I feel like someone broke into my house and rearranged my bedroom…

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Found about 200 classical albums appeared yesterday. I signed out of Qobuz, rebooted the nuc, and signed back into Qobuz. Made no difference. Fortunately I don’t listen to any classical so filtering out that genre hides most of the unwanted. I’m a software engineer and SQL database developer and this looks like database corruption to me. Perhaps someone at Qobuz executed a sql statement and forgot the where account id = ? clause!

Years ago I binned Apple music because this kept happening there too. Every iOS update I got added unwanted hip-hop albums to my library.

I don’t use the Qobuz apps anymore, perhaps roon should have a roon exclusive mode where after an initial 1 time sync it keeps track of our library it’s self. All changes being made through roon.

It has been more than 72 hours and the issue has yet to be fixed and I can see from the thread that several Roon / Qobuz subscribers like me remain affected. Can you provide an update as to when the issue is expected to be resolved, and whether there is a temporary fix in the meantime to restore the Qobuz library in Roon?


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When starting my Roon App/-Server yesterday, I found "last added" (on Feb 2nd) about 8 new favorites from Qobuz in my library, which I NEVER had chosen and to which I never had listened in any way! Logging in to Qobuz directly, there were no such favorites, as I NEVER use the favorite-option. How can that be? I am afraid, that my room-account was hacked, I don't have any other explanation. I use Roon only at home, as a "stand-alone". What could the reason have been for this? Thank you!

Describe your network setup

Roon server on iMac 2019 with the library on external hard disk

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Starting yesterday, Roon no longer shows any of the many albums in my Qobuz library.

Describe your network setup

Modem is ATT and router is Eero Pro 6 mesh system, connected wirelessly to Innuos Zenith.

Interesting observation: My EA server had a bunch of extra Qobuz albums show up in my library. My Production server so far still hasn’t had any extras.

Knock on wood!

What’s puzzling me is my Qobuz account in the Qobuz app is back to normal, no extras from other accounts.

Yet Roon (way longer than the 72 hours suggested and also after numerous log outs and re-syncs) still shows a load of stuff that isn’t mine… ??

Qobuz app shows 1277 albums with no unknown additions

Roon with Qobuz shows 1412 but the additional albums for me are previously liked by me albums :man_shrugging:

It’s a little less than it was.

Not sure how this is Qobuz related now :man_shrugging:

I have been having this exact issue since a couple of days. Earlier this week I scrolled through my albums in Roon and noticed an album that wasn’t mine and I deleted it without thought. When this happened again the next day I noticed 2 more, and deleted them thinking that was weird. I scrolled some more and didn’t see anything else.

Last night I noticed my library lost several hundred albums. And again I noticed a dozen new ones that aren’t mine. When I sort Roon albums by most recent added, they are all on top.

This morning I installed the Qobuz app and checked out my albums list, it looks complete, and there are no strange albums. When I sort Roon album list, there are again 6 strange albums.

I can refresh and the list of strange albums stays the same. I can open Roon on another device and the I see the same strange albums.

When I delete them from Roon, it says my list of Qobuz Favorites have been updated, but in Qobuz these weren’t visible. At the same time, Roon shows me 3 new strange albums. I can refresh another device, and these show up. Again, Qobuz shows none of these.

So I have to wonder, perhaps there are several issues, and its not only Qobuz that had/has an issue?

Why would Qobuz show a complete album list, with no new/strange additions, while Roon shows strange additions and is incomplete?

I mean, its not that I don’t believe what is being said here earlier (that it is definitely not a Roon issue), but I can ask these questions right? From my perspective it doesn’t quite add up as I hope you understand from what I explained what I see.

After a week of trouble I hope we can some clarity.


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Qobuz internally and Roon don’t necessarily access your Qobuz favorites by the same technical mechanism. This doesn’t seem like a big mystery.

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Qobuz definitely has a problem! The automatic download of my purchased albums with the Melco N1Z no longer works either! Worked perfectly for several years!!

To those who know and understand the inner workings, sure. To the uneducated, lighting a match makes one a magician.

Point is (and I am not taking this out on you so don’t take it as such), reading here make me no wiser and for the past week, I haven’t seen an official word from either Roon or Qobuz. Either side does not seem to take it very seriously as I have yet to receive any communication there might be issues with my Library/Favorites. I pay for both, and to both I feel like a second rank citizen. Even if Roon isn’t the cause of the problems, the issue is only visible through using Roon. A word from Roon in my mailbox shouldn’t be too much to ask. Needless to say, Qobuz should have communicated just the same!

It seems to me that the impact and frustration to users is underestimated and not getting the attention it should. Or perpaps it is and I should say its not being communicated that it has their attention and its being worked on.

I have so many questions that could be answered in a simple email. Like, should I sit back and wait? Should I remove the unknown albums? Should I add back what I am missing? Perhaps log Qobuz service out and log back in? Restore a Roon backup as someone here mentioned?

Community answers are cool and all, and I am appreciative but nothing beats an official word from the people I have paid for many years in a row!

I am missing like 400 albums, so yeah I am a little frustrated.


Hello All,

Sorry to hear that you’re still having issues with Qobuz integration in Roon. As the first troubleshooting step, please try to log out and back into Qobuz via Roon Settings → Services tab if you have not yet done so.

If you’ve performed this action and are still seeing missing albums/tracks or albums/tracks that are not part of your account, please provide a few examples so that we can attempt to locate them in the logs.

We will then enable diagnostics for your account and investigate this further with the team. Thank you!


I am having the problem where my favorited albums in Qobuz don’t show at all in Roon. The Qobuz app show the favorites but none of them appear as added to my library in Roon. It looks like my playlists from Qobuz are added though. I noticed this morning eastern US time Noon on 3/2/25.

Logged out and logged in about 4 hours ago and everything is working fine again! The automatic download with Melco is also working fine again!

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Issue was resolved yesterday, thank you. Trying to retrace my steps here but somewhere (storage?) it indicated that there were (paraphrasing here) “30,000 files not attached to a specific storage folder” so I took a shot and deleted those. Momentary panic since now NONE of my library appeared - 0 files in library, all erased. But was able to go to Services under Settings, click on Qobus and hit “Sync with Roon” or such. It took some time to do its thing, but I’m re-sync’d and my library is back. Meanwhile I’ve reached out to Qobuz support probably 48 hours ago about the potential hack that was mentioned in the thread since I never received an email from them, but have not received a response as of yet. Apologies for my lack of technical knowledge on much of this but a big THANK YOU to the Roon community as always :grinning:


I agree totally with the earlier post that sending out an email or message to Qobuz users would have been very very useful. I assumed my Qobuz and/or Roon account had been hacked and all my music deleted. I seemed to have inherited someone else’s prog rock and heavy metal collection, which is really not my cup of tea at all!

I have logged out of Qobuz inside Roon and back in, and it seems sane again, at least for now, but it did scare me.

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