I have been having this exact issue since a couple of days. Earlier this week I scrolled through my albums in Roon and noticed an album that wasn’t mine and I deleted it without thought. When this happened again the next day I noticed 2 more, and deleted them thinking that was weird. I scrolled some more and didn’t see anything else.
Last night I noticed my library lost several hundred albums. And again I noticed a dozen new ones that aren’t mine. When I sort Roon albums by most recent added, they are all on top.
This morning I installed the Qobuz app and checked out my albums list, it looks complete, and there are no strange albums. When I sort Roon album list, there are again 6 strange albums.
I can refresh and the list of strange albums stays the same. I can open Roon on another device and the I see the same strange albums.
When I delete them from Roon, it says my list of Qobuz Favorites have been updated, but in Qobuz these weren’t visible. At the same time, Roon shows me 3 new strange albums. I can refresh another device, and these show up. Again, Qobuz shows none of these.
So I have to wonder, perhaps there are several issues, and its not only Qobuz that had/has an issue?
Why would Qobuz show a complete album list, with no new/strange additions, while Roon shows strange additions and is incomplete?
I mean, its not that I don’t believe what is being said here earlier (that it is definitely not a Roon issue), but I can ask these questions right? From my perspective it doesn’t quite add up as I hope you understand from what I explained what I see.
After a week of trouble I hope we can some clarity.