Qobuz albums missing from library but present in My Qobuz [Ticket In]

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Qobuz albums missing from library but present in My Qobuz

Describe your network setup

Fiber -> Eero wireless -> ethernet switch -> Mac mini based Roon server


Adding on to my initial post - regarding the screen shot, yesterday the number of tracks was over 700000, and the missing tracks are all from Qobuz (not local and not Tidal).

Hey @Vince_Deters,

Thanks for writing in - it’s good to see you on the community again, although I’m sorry to hear it’s an issue that prompted your recent post!

A few initial troubleshooting steps to clear:

  1. If you head into Roon Settings>Services>Qobuz : can you confirm you’re logged in and synced? Click ‘force manual sync’ and let me know if your issues persist.
  2. How is your Roon Server connected to your router? Could you set up a direct ethernet connection from your Mac directly to your primary router and give both a reboot?

We’ve seen some odd happenings with users recently updating to Sequoia, could you try the following:

Navigate to macOS System Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network, and make sure Roon is allowed. If it is already enabled, toggle it off and on again. Then reboot your Mac, and see if the same issue persists.

We’ll be on standby for your results :+1:

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I am signed in to Qobuz. I don’t see “force manual sync”, only “Sync library now”. If I click that it comes back in a second or two with no change.

I toggled the Mac privacy options and rebooted, no change.

I then connected my Mac via ethernet to my router and rebooted both, no change.

Why do my qobuz albums show up in Services->Qobuz->My Qobuz but not in my library?

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What does it show if you go to My Albums and click Focus, then choose the focus on Storage Location > Qobuz Library? Nothing at all?

It shows 48 albums. Should be in the thousands.

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Even more weird than if there were none at all. It’s as if these albums were simply dropped from the library. Hopefully Benjamin can uncover something.

Just noticed this: if I click on Library → Library Maintenance → Clean up library the top check box shows “Clean up 429869 deleted files”. Sounds like Roon thinks these are not available on Qobuz but they clearly are according to the output from clicking Qobuz → My Qobuz, which shows tons of albums under “Favorite Albums” (way more than 48).


Interesting. Don’t click that clean up button! :slight_smile:

Not sure what happened overnight. I just let it sit and now in the morning it’s adding hundreds and hundreds of tracks to my library. The album view with the Qobuz focus shows the number of albums increasing regularly. So I think this is resolved but no idea how.

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Not less weird though and should probably still be investigated by @benjamin

Also, the Library → Library Maintenance → Clean up library top check box now shows “Clean up 160366 deleted files” (down from 429869 yesterday) So it looks like Roon realized it badly needs a sync from Qobuz. The question that remains is why did those albums disappear in the first place?


Hi @Vince_Deters ,

Thanks for letting us know that the files showed up again, this is certainly strange behavior. We’ve activated diagnostics mode for your account and are looking over the logs, this will take us some time to review but please let us know how things are performing mid/end of next week and we’ll check to see if the team has completed the analysis of the logs, thanks!

So this morning the Library → Library Maintenance → Clean up library top check box still shows “Clean up 160366 deleted files”, and that’s the number of Qobuz albums still missing from my library.

Hi @Vince_Deters,

Our team wasn’t able to uncover the specific source of your issue yet, I’m curious if you have an available backup that predates the issues you’re having, that also contains the same number of Qobuz tracks.

If you restore from that backup, do you still see issues in available Qobuz tracks?

We’ll be on standby for your reply. :+1:

I do have a backup but then I would lose all the work I’ve done since then. I’m fairly certain this is somehow related to licensing changes by Qobuz and I anticipate the remaining albums will eventually repopulate.

Hey @Vince_Deters,

Has this been the case over the last day or so?

We’re seeing some odd errors in relation to IPv6 and your local network with your server. Do you have IPv6 active in your setup? I’d be curious to see if disabling it temporarily would result in any changes.

Do you still have your Mac connected this way?

Well I disabled IPv6 on my router and the Mac running my Roon server and by golly now it’s steadily adding albums back to my library. What is the issue with IPv6? Is it a Roon issue or is it simply malfunctioning on my network?

Hi @Vince_Deters,

We’re glad to hear you’ve experienced some relief. The team will keep this thread open until we have a more conclusive answer from development. Thanks!

So every time I reboot the server it adds another batch of tracks, as shown by clicking on the rotating thingy. It added several thousand this morning. But while this is happening the number of albums on the Home Screen does not increase. What’s actually happening in this case?