Qobuz Albums Showing as "Unidentified" and Unable to Add New Albums (ref#D7A619)

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I'm having trouble adding music to my library

Suddenly (Feb 28 0200 PST) almost all Qobuz albums in my library show up as “Unidentified”. There are around 172 Qobuz albums. Also, I cannot add a new album from Qobuz. The little circle spins forever, but the album never gets in the library. I just upgraded to Roon version 1368 yesterday. Something appears to be broken. Have never experienced this issue before.

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Same here. I couldn’t log into Qobuz last night. I think the issue is with Qobuz.

Here is a screenshot of the Qobuz library…

It’s not just Qobuz, I’m trying to import some CDs tonight and they’re all showing as Unidentified, and using ‘Identify album’ returns no results

Same here.
New unidentified albums and also established albums (10,000 Maniacs shown already in library) return a “Manually search for album” blank pop up

Seems to be the same issue - maybe an admin can consolidate these: Issue with 'identify album' feature showing empty results (ref#P6UT7Q)

Same here. I already restored a previous backup but that did not help.

Good to hear I am not the only victim. Hope it is solved soon.

By the way, in my case these are Qobuz albums. Although they are not identified, they play fine.

Hi everyone. We had an outage from approx. 07:20 until 11:45 UTC today. Everything should be back to normal regarding identification. Please note that this has nothing to do with Qobuz.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting this.


Sorry - but the problem is NOT fixed. I also restarted the Roon server and forced a rescan, but nothing has changed. Here is a NEW screenshot of the Qobuz library, almost nothing is identified. SAME issue.

Same here. The issue with Qobuz album images still exists; several images are missing.

(I am on Early Access. The latest update Early Access Build 1373 does did not changed this issue.)

@support, Please help.

Nothing identified or identified with no artwork? Please can you check a few of these albums to see if they say “Unidentified” on their details pages?


I also reported the (seemingly fixed) issue yesterday. Just checked again - from my 4790 Qobuz albums 33 are “unidentified”.

To fix, select all these albums via focus and start “re-identify all” via the “Edit” function. Worked like a charm :slight_smile:


Yes, here are a couple of examples.

Thanks @Charles_Craiglow . Have you tried re-identifying these as per the instructions in the post above yours?

Thanks - I just saw the post from Phillipp. Took some time to re-identify 123 albums, but it seems to have worked! Who knew?

Thanks Phillipp!


Thanks for reporting that. Sorry you had to do it…

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I also did the trick from Phillip. Roon had to do 137 albums but it worked immediately and without problems. Thanks @Philipp_Schaefer!

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