Qobuz albums still missing

I did alll the steps suggested: logging in/out of account, clearing cache, rebooting core, resyncing library…and all the qobuz albums did come back…but nearly all have disappeared again this morning…so from 130K tracks to 82k to 130K and now back down to 82K…some of these r Qobuz but roughly 78K are my own ripped library. Not sure what is going on! I completed the form that the mods sent out…and my DNS servers are Google DNS as that is what the sonictransporter i9 uses. Glad roon is looking into this and hope a solution can be found.

Is there any fix for this? I have also lost thousands of Qobuz favorites. 164,249 tracks to be exact have been removed from my streaming service.

Same here

Add me to the list. All Qobuz albums have disappeared from the library, but still visible from the Qobuz favorite albums link.

Have rebooted core.
Logged in and out of Qobuz and re-synced.
Cleared core cache.
DNS already set to cloudflare.
No change.

Something odd going on with sync between Roon and Qobuz. I can add and remove new Qobuz albums within Roon and it adds them to both Qobuz favorites and the library as expected. If added from Qobuz, they do not show up in Roon and all previously added albums, however they were added are still missing.

I have same disappearing qobuz albums, about 1500 have reappeared, 2500 still missing

Can those who have not yet done so please see this post from @dylan and fill out the form as he requests. He will follow up with you further.