Qobuz Library in Roon Shows Only Partial Album List (ref#IOWN3Q)

What’s happening?

· I don't like how the product works

How can we help?

· I'm having trouble with my Nucleus hardware

Other options

· I don't like how the product works

Describe the issue

I was creating a playlist last night and noticed that my Qobuz library on Roon is VERY MUCH truncated. As I slide down my favorited albums it only lets me access the last 530 albums that I have favorited. I have the Roon Nucleus One server

Describe your network setup

TP Link Archer A7 with a wired connection to Nucleus One serving a Bluesound Node which is connected to my DAC all wired

Probably still lingering issues from Qobuz‘s account mixup. Try this:

Hey @Kerry_Farrell,

Thanks for writing in, and I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues accessing your Qobuz library!

Have you both rebooted your Nucleus, and signed out + re-signed in and re-synced your Qobuz account recently?

We’re not seeing your Nucleus on your admin, could you ensure to bring it online, and set up a temporary direct ethernet connection to your primary router? From there, we should be able to enable diagnostic mode for the device to take a closer look into what might be going on.

Another option would be to send over a set of manual logs from the Nucleus to our log uploader - please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

Thank you! :raised_hands:

Yes, I did that a couple of times in the last week or so, including this morning before I sent this as I had seen this thread.

OK. I THINK I uploaded the right file, zipped with my email address. Let me know if I did something wrong. Thanks!

I also restarted the actual server. It did not fix the issue, but maybe you can see it now?

Hi @Kerry_Farrell,

Thanks for the follow-up! Based on the above description, it does sound like you may be running into the lingering Qobuz issue that @Suedkiez mentioned above, here’s the link:

We’ll be posting updates to the thread above - I’ll go ahead and merge your report to the tracking thread so you can stay in the loop. Thank you for your patience! :+1:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Qobuz albums issues, even 72 hours after fix