Qobuz missing albums - consequential problems

Just wanted to say that my missing Qobuz albums have re-appeared. Thank you Roon team. Although, my tags are gone! Not funny at all. I really hope that this was the last time that Qobuz integration went pear-shaped.

Im in the same boat. The disappearing Qobuz albums creates another problem which is actually a bug in Roon. If you group 2-3 albums as alternate versions of the same album (and having the show hidden albums and tracks set to off) guess what happens when the Qobuz albums go away from your library? Well, that grouping which you meticulously did is gone. It breaks and its creating multiple albums in the album view but they are actually the same album but this time with the rest of the versions that remain after eliminating the Qobuz version. In my case I get the Tidal and the locally stored version. And you have a choice. Wait until this is fixed and hope that the grouping is remade automatically or start creating the grouping again. If you choose the latter (assuming you added the Qobuz version back) guess what happens when the problem with the disappearing albums happens again after 2 days (sometimes triggered by Roon on the server side)? The grouping breaks again. So yeah, here I am wasting my Saturday instead of enjoying music.

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Qobuz is back in my library

Happy for those who got their Qobuz music back. I’m still missing 7000 albums. I will be even happier when they come back. I believe Roon and Qobuz are working on it…I hope!


Nothing yet for my library….still missing thousands of albums on Qobuz. Hopefully it will be resolved quickly.

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I’m still missing hundreds of Qobuz albums and thousands of tracks got remove from my playlists. I’m very disappointed.

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For those of you with albums still missing, please fill out the form in @dylan’s post. He will follow up with you directly. Thanks.

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