yes nobody feels responsible for support…
is there anybody out there
Hey @latenz,
Ben with the support team here, I’m sorry for the long delay in getting to your thread!
I was able to review your core diagnostics and see a large number of file tags in your account, all based around Boxsets. Do you by chance use SongKong for editing your metadata?
As a next step, I’d like to test out running Roon on a fresh database. Steps to follow below:
- Create a Backup of your current database
- Exit out of Roon and stop Roon Server
- Navigate to your Roon Database Location
- Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
- Rename the “Roon” folder to “RoonServer_old”
- Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
- Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup
Please try to sync your Qobuz/Tidal account to your fresh database prior to restoring from a backup. I’ll be on standby for your reply.
Thanks for getting back to me. I already went through all of this a week ago, but unfortunately, there hasn’t been any improvement. Even after setting up a new database with just one small music folder (containing 75 files) and performing a fresh server install, Roon was still unable to connect with Qobuz. Creating a new empty test account for Qobuz didn’t make any difference either. I even tried different network setups and network adapters, but the network itself was functioning perfectly.
It took me a considerable amount of time, and I didn’t find any helpful solutions here. As a result, I decided to take a simpler approach. I installed Windows 11 Pro with only Fidelizer. While it’s not as good in terms of sound quality as the headless AO version I had before, at least it’s working. To be honest, I don’t have any more time to spend on this issue.
Just to let you know, a friend of mine experienced the same problem with the last Roon update, using the same hardware/software combination. Also, I used Songkong for certain parts of my music library. Is there something wrong with that?
For now, I’m done dealing with this problem. Your latest update completely disrupted our previously functional setup, and it doesn’t seem like it will work anytime soon, especially considering that I went as far as performing the simplest fresh install of the Roon database that I could think of. Additionally, Phill from AO hasn’t been responsive; he never is.
So, it seems like I’ve hit a dead end, and this situation could occur again. As of now, I’ll stick with this system. However, it cost me a new Windows 11 version, an ineffective AO, and a significant amount of time. I’m sure you can understand my frustration.
Hey @latenz,
I understand your frustration here. Based on the prior core diagnostic we reviewed, it showed that there were still ~73k tags attempting to be analyzed by Roon, which we believe are potentially linked to Songkong.
I’m not able to connect to your core device to review a fresh diagnostic though, if you could please reproduce the issue, and use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?
Did you specifically rename your current database following the above steps? Based on your diagnostic report, it did not appear to be on a fresh database.
Happy to hear you’ve been able to get back to your music one way or another!
Sorry I can not reproduce the setup. After no signs for support I did a fresh install of win11.
But before I did. as I said. Feletet the several. Did a new reinstall with no database. Build a new database with just 100f files. And a new Qobuz account. The 100 files are no problem. I could play them. They are tagged correct. But Qobuz was weird. As shown above it was searching for hours with no result. So it was a 100% new database with new Qobuz.
Did you try to change your Qobuz password? Any special characters?
A post was split to a new topic: Problems playing Qobuz Streams
A post was split to a new topic: Qobuz skipping to the next track
Why? Should i
Authentication issue?
There was no Authentication problem at all? No problem with signing in…
Hi Ben, if using SongKong with Roon profile it does add an album tag but only for boxsets to try an overcome difficulties users have with Roon and its boxset support, but they are only added for boxsets, and this customer only has 20,000 tracks of which I expect most are not boxsets.
It seems very unlikely this is the issue, especially since this was suggested as a solution to another users problem but removing them made no difference - Large Collection (280,000 Tracks) Slow search - #306 by Ronald_Lyster
But you can remove them by running MetaGrater task on your lib, and adding the Roon Album Tag field to the Delete all metadata from these fields option
And I don’t understand where this figure of 73,000 tags comes from, or when you say tags do you mean all metadata fields such as artist, performer ecetera ?
Hi @paultaylor,
I am referring to tags specifically allocated to boxsets. Here is an example:
Info: GetOrCreateUserTag: there is an existing tag called Boxset: The Other Sides
There are 73k+ instances of this (with differing boxsets) found across a single diagnostic file. This many tags would certainly affect performance no matter the library size. I’m not pinning this as the primary cause for this specific issue, but it’s an issue no matter.
@latenz if possible, could you test out disabling HQ player, and seeing if you’re able to get Qobuz playback? Can you confirm your core is hardwired directly to your router?
I’d also be curious to see if you experience this issue using a different machine as your core, temporarily. I see you have a Macbook Pro available, would you be open to testing out how things function on this machine?
I’ll be on standby for your reply.
HI, it doesnt make sense that there are so many of this tag, customer says he has about 20,000 songs. The tag should only be added once for a song if part of boxset, I have tested the code and this seems to be the case, i.e there is no way for SongKong to have more thna one of these tags for a particular song. So is it possible for you break down your analysis to see how many different values you have for this tag and how many occurrences you have for each ?
Boxset: The other Sides (20)
Boxset: Revolver (13)
@latenz it would be useful within SongKong if you run a Status Report task over your music collection, and then run Create Support Files. Then can see if the figures for this field in Roon correlates with the actual music files.
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